Old description for 1.4.1 and earlier

KillCounter by iToobi

this is the old description page for version 1.4.1 and earlier

See "Installation" for installation details

Current Version: 1.4.1


  • This Plugin is the perfect method to count and store kills when playing the Survivalgames or any other pvp-based-maps. The Players can read out their score and the scores of other Players. Additionally, Players can see what the current highscore is, and which Player holds it. A Reward-System can give Players rewards if the Player reaches a specified amount of kills or on every pvpkill. The Players are able to see the scoreboard and their position in the scoreboard. (The Plugin also counts Bow-Kills)


  • Permissions-based System whether the Kills of a Player are saved or not
  • Reward-System (see "Reward-System for further information)
  • See all Kills in the kills.properties - File
  • Let the Player check its own current score (Permissions-based)
  • Let the Player check other Player's current score (Permission-based)
  • Let the Player know its score, everytime he gets a kill (Permission-based)
  • Let the Player know the current highscore, additionally let the Player know which Player holds the highscore (Permission-based)
  • Ingame-Admin-Commands to enable/disable Plugin, set enableOnStartup-Option and reset the Player's Scores (Permissions-based)
  • Ingame-Admin-Command to reset kills to 0 (Permission-based)
  • Let the Player know the scoreboard (Permission-based)
  • Let the Player know its position in the scoreboard (Permissions-based)


  • Copy the KillCounter.jar in your plugins folder
  • Restart your Server
  • The Plugin generates a Folder in /plugins/KillCounter
  • Open the config.yml in /plugins/KillCounter
    • If you running linux: set "enable-backslash-for-path:" to false
    • If you running windows: set "enable-backslash-for-path:" to true
    • If you dont know: set "enable-backslash-for-path:" to false

General Informations

  • On the first run or even if the files don't exist, the plugin will create the config.yml and the kills.properties
  • Kills in the kills.properties can be manually readed out


Note: "/kc" can also be used instead of "/killcounter"

  • /killcounter - shows general informations and available arguments/commands
  • /killcounter on - toggles killcounter-on (if off, NO new kills will be saved to the kills.properties)
  • /killcounter off - toggles killcounter-off
  • /killcounter reload - reloades the config.yml
  • /killcounter startup - toggles if the killcounter-Plugin shall be enabled on Startup or not
  • /killcounter reset <playername> - resets the Kills of <playername> to 0
  • /killcounter resetall - resets ALL kills in the kills.properties-file
  • /killcounter rewards - lists available commands for the Rewards-System
  • /killcounter rewards <on:off> - toggles Rewards-System on or off
  • /killcounter rewards starup - toggles whether the Rewards-System is enabled or not on startup
  • /killcounter rewards set id <item-id> - sets the id off the reward-item which the player get
  • /killcounter rewards set amount <amount> - sets the amount of the reward-item which the player get
  • /killcounter rewards set kills <amount> - sets how many kills are needed to get the reward
  • /killcounter rewards set broadcast <true:false> - sets if all players shall be announced when one player gets a reward
  • /killcounter rewards set reset <true:false> - sets if all kills shall be resetted to 0 if one player gets a reward
  • /score - shows you own score (all gained kills)
  • /score <playername> - shows the score of <playername>
  • /highscore - shows the current highscore (if the Player has the permission, he also can see which Player holds the highscore)
  • /top - shows x scoreboard (x can be defined in config.yml, default is 5)
  • /top <integer> - shows <integer> best players of the scoreboard. For example /top 5 - shows 5 best players
  • /top me - shows your current position/rank in the scoreboard


  • /killcounter - only shows version and Plugin-Author; no permission needed to perform this
  • 'killcounter.count' - enables kill-counting for all players with this permission
  • 'killcounter.receive' - all players with this permission will get a message whenever they killed a player. The message contains the current score.
  • 'killcounter.admin' - /killcounter <on:off:reload:startup:reset:resetall>
  • 'killcounter.seescore.self' - /score (let the player see its OWN score)
  • 'killcounter.seescore.others' - /score <playername> (let the player see the score of <playername>
  • 'killcounter.highscore.see' - /highscore (let the Player see the current highscore WITHOUT the Player which holds it)
  • 'killcounter.highscore.seeplayer' - /highscore (let the Player see the current highscore WITH the Player which holds it)
  • 'killcounter.rewards' - makes the player able to receive rewards
  • 'killcounter.top.see' - /top <integer> (makes Player able to see scoreboard)
  • 'killcounter.top.me' - /top me (makes Player able to see its own position in the scoreboard)


NOTE: Player need "killcounter.rewards" - permission to get rewards.

  • Gives the player a configurable amount of a configurable item when the player reaches a configurable amount of kills.
  • You can choose if the System shall announce other Players if one Player gets a reward or not.
  • You can choose if all kills should be resetted to 0 if in Player gets a reward
  • MODES:
    • 1: Player only get a reward once if he reaches x Kills. If he reaches x+1 kills or again x kills he dont get a reward.
    • 2: Player gets reward when reaching x Kills. He gets a reward for each kill above x. NOTE: Use mode "2" and required kills "1" to give a player a reward on every pvpkill.


  • Config
    • enable-on-startup: <true:false> - should plugin start counting kills when server is started / reloaded ?
    • enable-rewards-on-startup: <true:false> - should the Rewards-System be enabled when server is started / reloaded ?
    • default-top-amount: <integer> - the amount of players shown in the scoreboard when smbdy types just "/top"
    • reward-mode: <integer> - sets the reward-mode (see Rewards-System for more information)
    • advanced-me-top: <true:false> - if <true>, when a player types /top me, it shows the player above and below him in the scoreboard. If <false> it only shows the player who typed the command
    • enable-backslash-for-path: <true:false> - set to false if you use an linux-based os. set to true if you use windows. "false" also works for windows sometimes.
  • Rewards
    • item-id: <integer> - id of item given when player gets a reward
    • item-amount: <integer> - amount of items given when player gets reward
    • required-kills: <integer> - amount of required kills to get a reward
    • reset-all-kills-after-reward: <true:false> - should the plugin reset all kills in the kills.properties when a player gets a reward ?
    • broadcast-on-reward: <true:false> - should the plugin announce all players when one player gets a reward ?


  • You can find a download-link for the latest version on the right site of this page.
  • Versions +1.4 are tested for craftbukkit-1.2.5-R2.0
  • Version 1.x are tested with PermissionsEx-Plugin


  • alias for "/killcounter"
  • adding more dynamic reward-system
  • adding backup-option to backup and restore the kills.properties - file
  • adding pvpkill-cooldown to only count kills after a cooldown of x h/m/s
  • adding option to prevent "friendly fire"
  • adding KDR (Death Counter)

Known Bugs

  • If instead of a "kills.properties" - file another file with "kills.x" exists, the plugin fail loading and do not create a new kills.properties

If you know other Bugs or have a request for a new function feel free to contact me by using the comment-function. Thanks.


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