
About Admin-Mode


I lost the code to this plugin while I was cleaning my computer, so instead of decompiling it and getting the code back. I will make another plugin like this but with guis, items in your inventory, etc..



  • Added commands


» /admin kick <name>

description: Kicks the player specified

gui: toggle (in config)

permission: Admin.kickmsg (To recieve kick messages)

toggle-able: No


  • Added GUI to /admin tp
  • Added stuff to config: (The following is what has been added to config)
# When you do /admin tp
# This brings up a GUI instead of typing a name.
# Options:
# True - Enables gui
# False - Disables gui
Tp-GUI: ‘true’

# When you do /admin kick
# This brings up a GUI instead of typing a name.
# Options:
# True - Enables gui
# False - Disables gui
Kick-GUI: ‘true’
  • Commands:
  • /admin reload - reloads config

Admin mode helps your staff moderate your server!

With a few commands, you can teleport to players, clear chat, toggle vanish, and toggle hit messages. You can find this helpful because when you're in admin-mode you can not PvP, hit players, or take damage in any way. This also disables you dropping items from your inventory and stops you from breaking blocks.


  • Toggle-able: Yes.
  • What does it do?

When toggled, and if you have admin-mode toggled, you receive hit-messages (when a player hits you). The message it sends you is configurable with variables who is hitting you.

  • Config for Hit-Messages:
# Variables: 
# %name - Players name that is hitting you.
Hit-Message: ‘&c%name has hit you!’
  • How Hit-Messages is useful:

Your staff can teleport to a player that is a "hacker" with admin-mode toggled, and since you don't take damage and you can hit anybody, you will receive a message each time the player hits you.

tp <name>

  • Toggle-able: No.
  • What does it do?

This teleports the player to the player they specified.

  • Config for tp:

There is no config for tp.

  • How tp is useful:

Helps with hitmessage on getting the player to the "hacker".


  • Toggle-able: Yes.
  • What does it do?

This puts you into fly-mode if they have admin-mode toggled, and disables it when you toggle admin-mode off.

  • Config for fly:

There is no config for fly.

  • How fly is useful:

Your staff can fly, ONLY if they're in admin-mode, if not it will send them a message says "Toggle admin-mode first" or something along those lines. Also this prevents staff-abuse with fly, such as: Fly hitting, flying away in pvp, etc...

Cc (Clear chat)

  • Toggle-able: No.
  • What does it do?

This clears the chat if they have admin-mode toggled.

  • Config for clear chat:
#This is the “prefix” for clear chat.
#BEWARE: this is a line above the message it broadcasts who cleared chat.
#There are no variables.
Clear-Chat-Prefix: ‘&c&m————————&c[ &cAdminChat &c]&m————————’
  • How clear chat is useful:

This clears the chat just incase another player advertises or spams/says something offensive.

V (vanish)

  • Toggle-able: Yes.
  • What does it do?

This sets the player in vanish if they have admin-mode toggled.

  • Config for vanish:

There is no config for vanish.

  • How vanish is useful:

This sets the player invisible and removes from tab/player list.

Invsee <name>

  • Toggle-able: No.
  • What does it do?

Makes the player open the specified player's inventory.

  • Config for vanish:

There is no config for vanish.

  • How vanish is useful:

You can take away items from a duplicator or safe trading between 2players.


  • Toggle-able: Yes.
  • What does it do?

Who ever has the permission: Admin.mode will receive messages from the players that perform the command.

  • Config for vanish:
# Prefix for chat format.
# Variables: 
# There are no variables.
Admin-Chat-Prefix: ‘&8[&cAdminChat&8] ’

# This is the format that the Admin Chat follows.
# Variables: 
# %player - Player’s name that is chatting.
# %message - Player’s message that they said.
# %AdminChatPrefix - Gets the prefix from Admin-Chat-Prefix
Admin-Chat-Format: ‘%AdminChatPrefix &c%player  %message’
  • How vanish is useful:

You can take privately among the staff members.



» /admin

description: Main admin-mode command.

permission: Admin.mode


» /admin reload

description: This reloads the config.yml file.

permission: Admin.reload

toggle-able: No


» /admin toggle

description: Toggles admin-mode for player.

permission: Admin.mode

toggle-able: Yes


» /admininfo

description: Help for admin-mode.




The following can only be used if they have admin toggled on (/admin toggle)


» /admin hitmessages

description: This enables hit messages for the player, and disables hit messages once they leave admin mode.

permission: Admin.mode

toggle-able: Yes


» /admin fly

description: This sets the player in fly, and disables fly once they leave admin mode.

permission: Admin.mode

toggle-able: Yes


» /admin tp <name>

description: This teleports the player to player they specified .

gui: toggle (in config)

permission: Admin.mode

toggle-able: No


» /admin cc

description: This clears everyones chat.

permission: Admin.mode

toggle-able: No


» /admin kick <name>

description: Kicks the player specified

gui: toggle (in config)

permission: Admin.mode

toggle-able: No


» /admin v

description: This sets the player into vanish, and disables vanish when they leave admin mode.

permission: Admin.mode

toggle-able: Yes


» /admin invsee <name>

description: Makes the player open the specified player's inventory.

permission: Admin.mode

toggle-able: No


» /admin chat

description: Chats with the other players with the permission node: Admin.node

permission: Admin.mode

toggle-able: Yes


More features

Comment you ideas below what you think I should add.

Planning on adding:

Default Config

# Version: 1.4

# This, when true, cancels the player in admin-mode from interacting doors,signs,etc..
# Also, when true, cancels the player from placing blocks.
# Options:
# True - Cancels
# False - Enables it
Interact-Place: ‘true’

# This, when true, cancels ANY damage that can be given to the player, including lava, falling out the world, etc…
# Options: 
# True - Cancels
# False - Enables it
Damage-Player: ‘true’

# This, when true, cancels the player from breaking blocks, while in admin mode.
# Options: 
# True - Cancels
# False - Enables it
Break-Blocks: ‘true’

# This, when true, cancels the player from dropping blocks from their inventory.
# Options: 
# True - Cancels
# False - Enables it
Drop-Items: ‘true’

# This, when true, cancels the player from picking up items.
# Options: 
# True - Cancels
# False - Enables it
PickUp-Items: ‘true’

# When you do /admin tp
# This brings up a GUI instead of typing a name.
# Options:
# True - Enables gui
# False - Disables gui
Tp-GUI: ‘true’

# When you do /admin kick
# This brings up a GUI instead of typing a name.
# Options:
# True - Enables gui
# False - Disables gui
Kick-GUI: ‘true’

# This is the “prefix” for clear chat.
# BEWARE: this is a line above the message it broadcasts who cleared chat.
# Variables: 
# There are no variables.
Clear-Chat-Prefix: ‘&c&m————————&c[ &cAdminChat &c]&m————————’

# Variables: 
# %name - Players name that is hitting you.
Hit-Message: ‘&c%name has hit you!’

# Prefix for chat format.
# Variables: 
# There are no variables.
Admin-Chat-Prefix: ‘&8[&cAdminChat&8] ’

# This is the format that the Admin Chat follows.
# Variables: 
# %player - Player’s name that is chatting.
# %message - Player’s message that they said.
# %AdminChatPrefix - Gets the prefix from Admin-Chat-Prefix
Admin-Chat-Format: ‘%AdminChatPrefix &c%player &9» %message’




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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 12, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Oct 31, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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