
Items4Kills- Rewarding items for PVP

What is Items4Kills?

This was requested by dscrossland, and agreeing on what a great idea it was I decided to develop it!

Items4Kills is a PVP reward system giving items to the player directly. This makes it much better than some other plugins because:

  • Archers won't miss out because of drops being where the player died.
  • Doesn't use economy like other plugins. Reward what you want!

Items4Kills has two reward systems (as it were):

  • Constant- this rewards players an item every number of times. If it was set to 1: GOLD_NUGGET it would reward a golden nugget every kill. If it was set to 5: APPLE it would reward an apple every 5 kills. On the tenth kill, a player will receive both an apple and golden nugget
  • Kill Streak- This will reward an item once a player reaches a certain kill streak.

Items4Kills also has stats for players including:

  • Kills: <- total
  • Kill streak: <- Kills this life
  • KDR: <- Kill death ratio = Kills divided by Deaths


To install, just place the jar into your plugins folder and either reload or restart the server. Edit the config as shown below!

With Items4Kills, all the rewards can be defined in the config. For an explained config Click Here!


  • /I4K <- Listed commands.
  • /I4K save <- Saves stats for all players (will save on reload and close server automatically).
  • /I4K reload <- Reloads config *recommended don't use* this will remove userdata not saved. It's best to edit this after doing /I4K save with no-one on the server or when the server's not on.
  • /I4K stats <- displays user stats .


Items4Kills.Admin <-- Allows the usage of /PVP save and /PVP reload

One last note...

That's it, have fun!


Thank you to all the people (one) who've donated! I will post here server details for people who use items4kills and have donated.

Jorden Sandel

Please consider donating, I really appreciate any contributions towards my hard work.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 8, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 12, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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