
Unsatisfied with a number of other permissions management plugins publicly available, I sought to create a lighter and more elegant plugin to handle group-based permissions. With a focus to making all of the commands understandable at a glance and providing helpful details when queried. You should be able to get on with permissions management simply through typing /help GroupPermsLite and reading the command descriptions.

If you are unfamiliar with Bukkit permissions, please see the Wiki Article and the Forum FAQ


  • Simple and elegant
  • Easy to use and understand
  • Allows setting up an unlimited number of groups (names are case-insensitive)
  • Has a default group called "all" that applies to all players that have joined the server, nomatter what other groups they are in
  • Has a unique group for each player called "personal_[player name]" that allows individual permissions settings
  • Saved in YAML format, advanced users can read and manage on disk and reload while the server is running using a command
  • Simple and easy to use commands to add/remove players from groups and grant/revoke permissions from groups
  • Allows use of the wildcard (*) to match any value for a node in a permission string when granting permissions using a command
  • Allows adding negative permissions using the (-) operator to prevent a particular group from receiving the given permission from any other source

Ideas for future development

  • /hasPermission ([player]) [permission node] - For manually checking permissions of a player and for use in command blocks (Available from 4.4 onwards)
  • Tab auto-completion for registered permission nodes
  • Support for Vault for better compatibility with plugins such as the LWC group feature
  • A command to rename a player in order to support upcoming Mojang name changing feature


Command Permission Description
/GroupCreate [group] group.admin Creates a group without adding a player or permission
/GroupAddPlayer [group] [player] group.admin Adds a player to the given group (creates the group if it doesn't already exist)
/GroupRemovePlayer [group] [player] group.admin Removes a player from the given group
/GroupGrantPerms [group] [(-)permission-string] group.admin Grants the given permission(s) to the specified group (creates the group if it doesn't already exist)
/GroupRevokePerms [group] [permission-string] group.admin Revokes the given permission(s) from the specified group
/GroupListPerms [group] ([page number]) group.admin Lists all of the permissions for a given group
/GroupListPlayers [group] group.admin Lists all players in a given group
/GroupList group.admin List all groups
/GroupDelete [group] group.admin Deletes a given group
/GroupReload group.admin Reloads config from disk
/RegisterPerm [permission node] [default(op/not-op/true/false)] group.admin Manually register an unregistered permission node

Most commands have a "silent" feature that is activated by placing a "-s" (without quotes) at the end. This is intended to be used with command blocks and command scripting plugins to allow you to manage your permissions through these without generating lots of console spam. You will still get a response if the command fails however.


  • RankDisplayNames - Create ranks with chat prefixes that update automatically with permissions set through GroupPermsLite


It says the permission is not registered, what can I do?

Sometimes plugin developers will forget or simply not bother to register their permissions with Bukkit, but still use them in their code. Fortunately, the bukkit permissions.yml file can come to the rescue here. You should be able to find the permissions.yml file in the server directory. It is used by server owners to manually register additional permissions in bukkit. See for details about editing the Permissions YAML. It is usually used to group permissions together so that they can all be assigned at once (this is compatible with GroupPermsLite!), however there is also nothing stopping you from registering all of the unregistered permissions for a plugin manually.

For example, here is how to register all of the permissions for Essentials (the most notorious for not registering their permissions): You can cut and paste these into your permissions.yml if you use essentials. Be aware that permissions with square brackets [ ] around a permission node mean that you have to change that to the specific type you want in order for it to work.

Coming in v0.4: Added support for unregistered permissions - You will be able to grant unregistered permissions to a group with a prompt for confirmation

This plugin uses Java 7

If you get the followed error on starting up the server with this plugin installed "Unsupported major.minor version 51.0". This means you are using an out of date version of Java. If you don't know how to upgrade, please contact your server hosting provider and ask them for help in upgrading to Java 7, or contact Oracle customer support. Mac OS X users require JDK 7 instead of JRE 7.


If you'd like to contribute towards the continued development, support and maintenance of this project, please consider joining me on Patreon, and making a one-time or recurring pledge.


If you need help you can leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. You can also join my IRC chatroom using the following link. Please note, I am not always at my keyboard!


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