Greek God Essentials

Hey Guys, Welcome to an amazing plugin called Greek God Essentials. Greek God Essentials is a community developed plugin that i hope will turn out well. If you want to help code this plugin scroll down to the bottom of this description were i will tell you how to join.

===Commands:=== /setwp - Sets a personal way-point. /tpwp - Teleports you to your personal waypoint. /ggeinfo - Displays the info of the cureent GGE version. /feed - Feeds yourself or another player. /heal - Heals yourself or another player. /starve - Starves yourself or another player. /ignite - Ignites yourself or another player. /slap - Slaps yourself or another player /kill - Kills yourself or another player

===Permissions:=== I've put together a recommended permissions for groups below ==Admin== =Permission/Command= * *gge.feed/feed *gge.heal/heal *gge.starve/starve

==Hades== =Permission/Command= gge.ignite/ignite

==Poseidon== =Permission/Command= Adding Commands/Permissions shortly!

==Zeus== =Permission/Command= Adding Commands/Permissions shortly!

===Future Updates:=== I am currently working on player commands, For example demigods of Hades can use a command that makes a big fire ball! Or demigods of Poseidon heal faster in water etc.

===Suggestions:=== If you guys have any suggestions please either pm me or post it in the comments below.

===Bugs:=== "What should I do if I found a bug?" * Post the bug in the comments. * Make a ticket. * PM Me. Make a suggestion to fix it!

Thank You For the people who do download this, I want to say thanks. This is my first plugin and I'm having fun making it!

===Downloads:=== Can we try and reach 1000 Downloads?

===Tutorial:=== If you make a video on YouTube and PM me it. it will appear here!

===How do I become a coder or how can I help?:=== PM me and i will give you a position on this page and a link to the Greek God Essentials github page. (You need to be a registered member on Github) Once there the source code for Greek God Essentials will be there than edit away! Once you have finished simply upload it back to Github, I will check it and if it is good i will update the plugin with it.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 8, 2013
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