

Through the existing items, blocks, entity obtains the specified give, setblock, summon command.

Environmental requirements

  • Java 8 above
  • CraftBukkit server 1.8.3 ~ 1.13.2

Sample Pictures

Quick start

  1. Download this plugin and put the server plugins folder.
  2. Start the server.
  3. Executed by the player /getcommand to view help.
  4. Executed /getcommand block
  5. Left click the target block.
  6. Executed /getcommand save see the get command.
  7. Executed /getcommand save command_block
  8. In the creative mode left click a no command command_block.
  9. Just save the commands into the command_block.


  1. /getcommand help [command_name]
    • View help, omit the parameter displays a list of commands.
    • Show only permissions subcommand.
    • aliase: h
  2. /getcommand item
    • Through items in hand to get give command.
    • aliase: i
  3. /getcommand entity
    • After performing left tap entity can obtain this summon command entity.
    • aliase: e
  4. /getcommand block
    • After performing left tap block can obtain this setblock command block.
    • aliase: b
  5. /getcommand save [chat | file | console | command_block]
    • Save the command has been acquired.
    • chat: Output to the chat window(default).
    • file: Output to file (not implemented).
      • aliase: f
    • console: Output to Server console.
      • aliase: c
    • commandblock: Output into the commandblock.
      • aliase: cb
  6. /getcommand cancel

    • Cancel the operation to be performed, such as waiting for the operating entity you click the left point after executing entity.
    • aliase: c
  7. Besides the help command can only be executed by the player.


  1. getcommand.use: Allows you to use GetCommand commands and help commands.
  2. getcommand.item: Use the item command allows.
  3. getcommand.block: Use the block command allows.
  4. getcommand.entity: Use the entity command allows.
  5. Use the save command allows.
  6. Allow save in the chat window output.
  7. Allows you to save the Save to file.
  8. Allows save output to Server console.
  9. Allows save to save it to the commandblock.
  10. getcommand.cancel: Use the cancel command allows.

  11. Each command has a corresponding permission, all permissions by default are available for OP.


  1. Github


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