
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


En: EffectInfo is a plugin allowing to inquire effects which possess the real time players and to treat them. If an effect is too powerful with regard to normal you will see him. EffectInfo contrary in /effect allows to add or to remove effects as well to a player as to all your server! EffectInfo is configurable in three languages (French by default, English and German). The scripts are doubtless filled with faults ... (If English ones or German wish to make a correction I am interested).

Fr: EffectInfo est un plugin permettant de s'informer des effets que possèdent les joueurs en temps réel et des les manipuler. Si un effet est trop puissant par rapport à la normal vous le verrez. EffectInfo contrairement au /effect permet d'ajouter ou de retirer des effets aussi bien à un joueur qu'à tout votre serveur ! EffectInfo est configurable en trois langues (Français par defaut, Anglais et Allemand). Les scripts sont sans doute remplis de fautes... (si des anglais ou allemand souhaitent en faire une correction je suis preneur).

How to Use / Utilisation

En: Download the plugin and put it then in your plugin folder. Reload your server and make sure you have the permission to execute the command /effectinfo (alias : /ei). Good !, now you can read the help and execute the commands. To change the language, open the config.yml and replace the script (fr_FR ; en_US ; de_DE).

Fr: Telechargez le plugin et placez le dans votre dossier plugin. Relancez votre serveur et verifiez que vous avez bien la permission pour executer la commande /effectinfo (alias : /ei). Bien !, maintenant vous pouvez lire le help et executer les commandes. Pour changer le langage, ouvrez la config.yml et remplacez le script (fr_FR ; en_EN ; de_DE)


  • /ei -> Show the help
  • /ei list -> Show Effect's list
  • /ei info [effect] -> Show who has this effect on the server
  • /ei [player] -> Show the active effects on this player
  • /ei * -> Display the list of the players having one or several active effects
  • /ei [player] + [effect] <time in s> <power> -> Add the effect to this player (by default time = 60 seconds)
  • /ei [player] - [effect] -> Remove the effect on this player
  • /ei [player] - * -> Remove all the effects of this player
  • /ei * + [effect] <time in s> <power> -> Add an effect to all the players (by default time = 60 seconds)
  • /ei * - [effect] -> Remove an effect to all players
  • /ei * - * -> Remove all the effects of the players


  • effectinfo.list : Authorize to see the list of the applicable effects
  • effectinfo.player : Authorize to see the active effects on a player
  • effectinfo.player.change : Authorize to add or to remove effects to a player
  • effectinfo.all : Authorize to add or to remove effects to all the players connect


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 9, 2016
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
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