Disarm Rod

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This plugin allows you to give your players a "Disarm Rod", which can be used to disarm an opponents armor, or held item (configurable % too). To disarm someone, hook them with a Disarm Rod, and reel it in!


Disarmrod.use - Allows the player to USE the Disarm Rod

Disarmrod.help - Allows the player to show the help page of disarm rod

Disarmrod.get - Allows the player to spawn themselves a disarm rod

Disarmrod.give - Allows the player to spawn other people a disarm rod

Disarmrod.reload - Allows the player to reload the config


/disarmrod - Shows the Disarm Rod help page

Permission: Disarmrod.help

/disarmrod help - Shows the Disarm Rod help page

Permission: Disarmrod.help

/disarmrod get - Spawns the sender a Disarm Rod

Permission: Disarmrod.get

/disarmrod give <Player> <Amount> - Gives <Player> <Amount> of Disarm Rods

Permission: Disarmrod.give

/disarmrod reload - Reloads the config file

Permission: Disarmrod.reload

Disarm_Percent: 50 #Percent chance an item will be disarmed
Unarmed_Message: '&6*** &lDISARMED BY {player} &r&6***' #Message sent to player that was unarmed
Unarm_Message: '&4You have disarmed {player}' #Message sent to player that unarmed someone
Disarm_Rod_Name: '&6&lDisarm Rod &7(Right Click)' #Name of Disarm Rod
Disarm_Hand: true #If the players held item is able to be Disarmed
Disarm_Helmet: true #If the players helmet is able to be Disarmed
Disarm_Chestplate: true #If the players chestplate is able to be Disarmed
Disarm_Leggings: true #If the players leggings are able to be Disarmed
Disarm_Boots: true #If the players boots are able to be Disarmed
Take_Durability_On_use: false #If the rod should take durability away when used

To be added

Configurable lore! Option to make the rod a one time use! More!


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