
Wait, what? Can it be? is releasing one of their plugins? Yes! It's true. This is ColorShuffle, the original game where you run to the selected color before the time runs out and the floor falls out from beneath you.


  • Color changing mats
  • Unlimited players per game
  • Restores player stats/inventory after the game
  • Create signs to join the arenas as well as who's in the arena
  • XP bar counts down the time until the floor falls
  • Customize the starting time and the decay for each round
  • Interactive setup wizard that doesn't block regular chatting
  • Rename arenas
  • Backup/restore your arena configs
  • Automatically backs up new arena config upon creation of arena
  • Close arenas for maintenance


  • colorshuffle.setup - Allows you to setup an arena
  • colorshuffle.delete - Allows you to delete an arena
  • colorshuffle.close - Allows you to close an arena
  • - Allows you to open a closed arena
  • colorshuffle.rename - Allows you to rename an arena
  • colorshuffle.start - Allows you to force start an arena
  • colorshuffle.backup - Allows you to backup an arena
  • colorshuffle.restore - Allows you to restore an arena
  • colorshuffle.list - Allows you to list the arenas


  • /color setup - Starts the arena setup wizard
  • /color delete <arena> - Deletes the arena with that name (you need to close an arena before you can delete it)
  • /color close <arena> - Closes the arena with that name
  • /color open <arena> - Reopens a closed arena
  • /color rename <oldName> <newName> - Renames the arena
  • /color start <arena> - Force starts an arena
  • /color backup <arena> - Backs up the arena to a separate file in the ColorShuffleFolder
  • /color restore <arena> - Restores the arena from the file
  • /color list - Lists all the arenas and their statuses
  • /color join <arena> - Joins the specified arena
  • /color togglefallingblocks - Sets whether the blocks fall at the end of each round or just disappear

Creating an Arena and Setting it Up

Creating a ColorShuffle arena isn't hard, but it does require some special considerations as far as placement is concerned.

  • Below the floor of the arena you should be able to drop into the void. the closer you are to the void the better.
  • The floor of the arena is constructed with 1 layer of ice with carpet on top of it.
  • The floor can be any color.
  • In order to set the position of the mats just place carpet in another color than the main floor color. If you want two mats that are touching each other then do them in different colors to keep them separate. Mats should be square, however, some other shapes may work as well. Feel free to experiment.
  • In order to create the sign with the current color on it just place brown clay blocks where you want it to change to the current wool color.
  • All arenas must have at least 11 plain floor blocks, 2 color mats, and 3 sign blocks in order to successfully create the arena. Once you are done creating your arena just do /color setup and follow the in game instructions!

Creating Join/Status Signs

To create a colorshuffle sign you need the colorshuffle.setup permission node. The format of the join sign goes like this:

  1. [csarena]
  2. arenaname

To display the players in an arena or are in the queue for an arena place a sign with this text on it:

  1. [csstatus]
  2. arenaname
  3. sign#


  1. [csstatus]
  2. test
  3. 1

Would show 4 players on the sign. You can use the numbers 1-4 for a total of 16 players being displayed.

Upon successful creation of a join sign it will show you stats about the current game. With the status signs they usually go blank unless players have used that arena after the last server restart.

Protecting Your Arenas

Although the plugin does prevent players who are in the current game from breaking/placing blocks, we have opted not to include any major arena protection in order to keep the plugin light. If players are going to be able to get to the arena outside of being in a game we suggest protecting it with WorldGuard or GriefPrevention in order to prevent griefing.


Q: Why can't I hear any sounds? I placed note blocks just like in
A: Although this plugin is based on the current code base as the one on some features have been removed, including sounds, cheat protection, and the Enjin Points integration.

Q: Is there any way for me to get the version with all the features that is on
A: At this current time: no. Those features are staying exclusive to

Q: Can I make an arena for you guys and have you put it on
A: You are more than welcome to create an arena and submit it to us! Just send me a PM with a link to either the world file or the worldedit schematic. If we like it and put it on our server we'll give you 100 enjin points to spend on our website.

Any other questions? Submit them in the comments section below!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 9, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 3, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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