Commands and Permissions


ChestKeeper has 10 permission nodes:

  • chestkeeper.use Allows opening chests from signs, listing their own chests, buying chests up to the configured limit, emptying their own chests, deleting their own chests, setting their own default chest, renaming their own chests, and upgrading their own chests.
  • chestkeeper.use.anywhere Allows opening chests from commands, provided the player also has chestkeeper.use
  • chestkeeper.use.anyone Allows opening someone else's chests (which can only occur from a command, so they'll also need chestkeeper.use.anywhere), listing someone else's chests, nuking a player, deleting someone else's chests, and emptying someone else's chests.
  • Allows a user to place a [Chest Keeper] sign.
  • Allows a user to place an [Up Chest] sign.
  • Allows a user to place a [Buy Chest] sign.
  • chestkeeper.sign.break Allows a user to break placed [Chest Keeper], [Up Chest], and [Buy Chest] signs.
  • chestkeeper.override Allows a player to override the maximum number of chests, if there is one.
  • chestkeeper.updates Players with this permission will receive warning about plugin updates when they join the server.
  • chestkeeper.convert Allows a player to run the VirtualChest data conversion process.


Specifying Players

If a player is specified, the chestkeeper.use.anyone permission is required. ChestKeeper will attempt to match the name provided, and will do so case-insensitively.

  • /chest open (chest name/player name:chest name)
  • Permissions: chestkeeper.use and chestkeeper.use.anywhere
    • Opens a chest. If no chest is specified, the player's own default chest will be opened. If a player name is specified, the specified player's specified chest will be opened.
  • /chest list (player name)
  • Permissions: chestkeeper.use
    • Lists the names of all your chests. If a player name is specified, lists all chests owned by the specified player.
  • /chest buy <normal/large> (name)
  • Permissions: chestkeeper.use
    • Buys a chest of the specified size and optionally names it the specified name. If prices for chests are configured, the command will charge players.
  • /chest empty <chest name/player name:chest name>
  • Permissions: chestkeeper.use
    • Removes all items from the specified chest. If a player name is specified, the specified player's specified chest will be emptied.
  • /chest nuke <player name>
  • Permissions: chestkeeper.use and chestkeeper.use.anyone
    • Deleted all of the specified user's chests. This command can be executed from the console.
  • /chest delete <chest name/player name:chest name>
  • Permissions: chestkeeper.use
    • Delete the specified chest. If a player name is specified, delete the specified user's specified chest.
  • /chest default <chest name>
  • Permissions: chestkeeper.use
    • Set the specified chest to be the player's default chest. The default chest is the chest that is opened when a user right-clicks a [Chest Keeper] sign.
  • /chest rename <old name> <new name>
  • Permissions: chestkeeper.use
    • Changes the specified chest's name to the specified new name.
  • /chest upgrade (chest name)
  • Permissions: chestkeeper.use
    • Upgrades the default chest from normal size into large. If a chest name is specified, the same goes for the specified chest. If prices for chests are configured, the player will be charged largeChestPrice - smallChestPrice.


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