
ChainBrewing is a mod useful for making "brewing production chains" using brewing stands, chests and repeaters. By "production chain", I mean : a chain of brewing stands, which transfers the brewing product to the next one. Then, all you have to do to make a 3-step potion is to set a production chain of 3 brewing stands, put the right ingredients, put water bottles in the first one and let it make the job!

You can add two chests: one before the first brewing stand, one after the last. Then, the first stand will grab bottles from the first chest and the last will put its production in the last chest!

Production chain

A production chain looks like this: Production chain - screenshot

The first element, a chest (1), is optionnal but recommended: the first brewing stand (2), will grab bottles from it. After finishing its brewing, (2) will pass its potions brewed to (3), and grab new bottles, until there is no bottles or no ingredients left. When (4) have finished brewing a potion, it will store it into (5), a chest.

Technically, it is quite simple to make your own: just put brewing stand bound by a repeater as in the picture. Same for chests. You can add as many brewing stand as you want (but hey, what will you do with 100 stands?!).

Known bugs

None ! \o/

Report every bug you encounter (with the stacktrace, if available) at error-report<at>tobast<dot>fr (french or english).

Todo list

Nothing, waiting for suggests!

Source code

You can find the source code on the project repository at : gitorious project.

Cool stuff

Samkio and Torrent made a video about the plugin :


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