COM-Warfare Lite

About the Plugin
Call of Minecraft Warfare is a plugin that merges Minecraft with one of the most popular gaming franchises today, Call of Duty. This plugin contains full automation of matches and provides the "Call of Duty" experience to players on your Minecraft server.
Plugin Features (lite)
* Arena automation
* As many arenas as there are maps can run at once!
* Gun creation with level, ammo, cost, and more!
* Grenade creation with level, amount, cost, and more!
* Level & Experience system
* Max levels (configurable)
* Players prestige when they hit max level! (premium only)
* Donators can get more experience and credits for actions! (premium only)
* Leader board & Stat Tracker
* Track players stats in a GUI that shows all of their kills, deaths, kill to death ratio, and highest killstreak.
* Three killstreaks and counting with the ability to choose which three you want!
* Five class Create-a-Class system!
* Players can set primary, secondary, lethal, tactical, and 3 perks in their load out!
* 8 Different game modes to keep things fresh!
  - Team Deathmatch
  - Free for all
  - Arcade
  - Infected
  - Domination
  - Capture the Flag
  - Search & Destroy
  - Search & Rescue
  - Kill Confirmed
  - One in the Chamber (WIP)
  - Gun Game (WIP)
* Ability to customize values for time in the arenas and the maximum score (premium only)
* Shop where players can spend their credits to purchase guns and perks.
* Auto-matchmaker for players to join the best match for them
* All messages translated messages with McTranslate++ (premium only)
* Auto dependency download manager (can be turned off in config by changing 'auto-download-dependencies' to 'false')
* Much more!
* Ability to change the plugin's prefix (premium only)
Video Tutorials
Thank you to everyone that has created a tutorial for the plugin!
For Versions 2.0.0 and above:
None created yet! If you would like to make a tutorial for this plugin, I'd be happy to put it here!
For Versions 1.3.1 and below
Commands and Permissions
'' - Allows players to use the help command
'com.join' - Allows players to use the join command
'com.leave' - Allows players to use the leave command
'' - Allows players to use the list maps command
'' - Allows players to use the map create command
'' - Allows players to use the remove map command
'' - Allows players to use the map set commands
'com.credits.give' - Allows the player to give players credits
'com.credits.set' - Allows the player to set players credits
'com.createGun' - Allows the player to create a gun
'com.createWeapon' - Allows the player to create a weapon
'com.forceStart' - Allows the player to force start their current match
'com.selectClass' - Allows the player to select their class
'com.openShop' - Allows the player to open the shop inventory
'com.bootAll' - Allows the player to force all players to leave their matches
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I get an error when attempting to use '/cod join'! How can I solve this?
A: Make sure your server is running CraftBukkit/Spigot version 1.8.4 or higher, and make sure that all dependencies are in the plugins folder, and that you are using the right version numbers for the dependencies.
Q: How do I add more perks?
A: I will be adding more perks in the future, but if you have any ideas, or would like me to add a specific perk, please talk to me, and I will see what I can do about it.
Q: I love your plugin and I'd like to donate, where can I do so?
A: You can find a donation link at the top & bottom of the page, or you can click here
Q: When will you release a lang.yml for translated messages?
A: There's no need for a lang.yml because I'm using McTranslate++ to translate all messages in real time!
Q: My server is running your plugin and I'd love to have a sponsorship! Mind putting the link to it on the front page of the Spigot page?
A: Sure! Send the ip my way, and If I feel that the server is worthy, I'll put it up on this page!
Q: I want to make a tutorial on the plugin! Will you put it on the front page of COM-Warfare?
A: Yes. If the quality is as good or is superior to the ones already on the page, it will be featured on the page instead of what already is featured as the most relevant tutorial.
COM-Warfare requires
  - SwornGuns (recommended) for Spigot 1.8 - Spigot 1.12
  - CrackShot (recommended) for Spigot 1.8 - Spigot 1.13
  McTranslate++ (required) for Spigot 1.13 (older versions can be found too)
System Requirements
Spigot is recommended to run, but is not required.
Minimum Requirements*
Client Version: 1.8.4
Server Version: 1.8.4
Dedicated RAM: 512MB or 1/2GB DDR3
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 x2
Java: Java 7 SE Runtime Environment 7u79
Recommended Specifications*
Client Version: 1.12.2+
Server Version: 1.12.2+
Dedicated Ram: 2048MB or 2GB DDR3 or DDR4
CPU: Intel Core i5 and greater, or AMD A10 and greater
Java: Java 8 SE Runtime Environment 8u112 or higher
*All specifications are suggestions to create the best experience for a server hosting 24 players (2 full matches)
Terms of Service
By downloading or using the plugin on your server, you agree to the following, and hereby assume responsibility for any actions taken by you, or anyone who has access to your copy of the plugin.
1. Do not modify, edit, change, or alter this plugin's code.
2. Do not redistribute or claim this plugin as your work.
3. Do not use or copy this plugin's code as your own.
4. Do not decompile the plugin.
5. I, the creator of COM-Warfare, reserve the right to change this agreement at any time.
6. I, the creator of COM-Warfare, reserve the right to pursue any person(s) with legal attention if they fail to adhere to this agreement.
7. I, the creator of COM-Warfare, reserve the right to revoke any person(s) access to the plugin who has broken this Terms of Service agreement.
Updated 11/17/18
Feel free to send any donations here on PayPal! All donations are greatly appreciated!
©Copyright Rhetorical Software 2011-2018

About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 4, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Nov 17, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License

