ButtonWarp Commands

< > indicates a required field. [ ] indicates an optional field.
If Name is not specified, then the Warp linked to the target Block will be affected

In-Game Help:

Help Pages will only show commands that you have permission to use.

  • /bw help - Displays the ButtonWarp Main Help Page
  • /bw help create - Displays the ButtonWarp Create Help Page
  • /bw help setup - Displays the ButtonWarp Setup Help Page
  • /bw help button - Displays the ButtonWarp Button Modification Help Page

Creating a Warp:

  • /bw make <Name> - Creates a Warp with it's destination at your current location
  • /bw make <Name> nowhere - Creates a Warp with no destination
  • /bw move <Name> - Moves the destination of the specified Warp to your current location
  • /bw move <Name> nowhere - Moves the destination of the specified Warp to nowhere
  • /bw link <Name> - Links the target button/pressure plate with specified Warp
  • /bw unlink - Unlinks the target Block from it's Warp
  • /bw delete <Name> - Deletes the specified Warp and all data associated with it

Setting up a Warp:

  • /bw msg <Name> <Message> - Sets the Message that will be sent to the Warper
  • /bw cost [Name] <Amount> - Sets the cost for using the specified Warp
  • /bw reward [Name] <Amount> - Sets the reward for using the specified Warp (this amount of money will be given to the Warper)
  • /bw source [Name] server - Money given as rewards for the Warp will be Generated. Money taken as a cost of use will be Destroyed
  • /bw source [Name] <Player> - Money given as rewards for the Warp will be Taken from the specified Player. Money taken as a cost of use will be given to the Player
  • /bw source [Name] bank <Bank> - Money given as rewards for the Warp will be Taken from the specified Bank. Money taken as a cost of use will be given to the Bank
  • /bw cmd [Name] <add|remove> <Command> - Sets a Command to be executed when the Warp is activated (use <player> to add the player's name)
  • /bw time [Name] <Days> <Hrs> <Mins> <Secs> - Sets the cooldown time for Warp (Players must wait this amount of time to reuse the Warp)
  • /bw global [Name] true - Sets the specified Warp to a global cooldown (early bird gets the worm)
  • /bw global [Name] false - Sets the specified Warp to an individual cooldown (worms for everyone)
  • /bw access (Name) public - Anyone will be able to use the specified Warp
  • /bw access [Name] restricted - Only Players with the node 'buttonwarp.warp.<WarpName>' will be able to use the Warp

Modify a Button:

  • /bw max <Amount> - Sets the amount of times that the Player may use the target Button before they must wait for it to cooldown
  • /bw allow items - Player's may use the target Button with items in their inventory
  • /bw deny items - Player's must clear their inventory before using the target Button
  • /bw reset - Resets activation times for the target Button (remaining cooldown time is set to 0)

Other Commands:

  • /bw <Name> - Teleports you to the specified Warp's destination
  • /bw list - Lists all Warps
  • /bw info [Name] - Displays information about the specified Warp
  • /bw reset <Name> - Resets activation times for all Buttons in the specified Warp (remaining cooldown time is set to 0)
  • /bw reset all - Resets activation times for all Buttons in all Warps
  • /bw rl - Reloads the ButtonWarp Plugin