

tag: '[BlockHunt] '

normal: '&b'

warning: '&c'

error: '&c'

arg: '&e'

header: '&9'

headerhigh: '%H_.[ %A%header%%H ]._'

The tag option allows you to change the prefix of the blockhunt messages example: [BlockHunt] You are now a solid block. the other options allow you to change the color of different message like error and warning messages. The header option you can change the header text you can see this when typing /bh or /bh help.


info: true

help: true

reload: true

join: true

leave: true

list: true

shop: true

start: true

wand: true

create: true

set: true

setwarp: true

remove: true

tokens: true

All these options allow you to enable and disable the blockhunt commands example: reload: false the command /bh reload will be disabled.


autoUpdateCheck: true

autoDownloadUpdate: false

wandIDname: STICK

wandName: '%A&lBlockHunt%N''s selection wand'


- '%NUse this item to select an arena for your arena.'

- '%ALeft-Click%N to select point #1.'

- '%ARight-Click%N to select point #2.'

- '%NUse the create command to define your arena.'

- '%A/BlockHunt <help|h>'

All these options allow you to change the new versions of blockhunt and the blockhunt wand, if the update checker is on true a message will pop up saying there is a new version available and if the download update is on true you can download the new file from your server. The wand options allows you to change the wand name and the wand description.


title: '%H&lBlockHunt %NShop'

price: '%NPrice: %A%amount% %Ntokens.'

blockChooserv1Enabled: true

blockChooserv1IDname: BOOK

blockChooserv1Price: 3000

blockChooserv1Name: '%H&lBlock Chooser'


- '%NUse this item before the arena starts.'

- '%ARight-Click%N in the lobby and choose'

- '%Nthe block you want to be!'

- '&6Unlimited uses.'

BlockHuntPassv2Enabled: true

BlockHuntPassv2IDName: NAME_TAG

BlockHuntPassv2Price: 150

BlockHuntPassv2Name: '%H&lBlockHunt Pass'


- '%NUse this item before the arena starts.'

- '%ARight-Click%N in the lobby and choose'

- '%Nif you want to be a Hider or a Seeker!'

- '&61 time use.'

All these options allow you change how the shop works you can enable and disable options, you can change the shop title and how much each item costs. You can also change the description for each item and the id for the shop item.



- '%H[BlockHunt%H]'

- '&4LEAVE'

- '&8Right-Click'

- '&8To leave.'


- '%H[BlockHunt%H]'

- '&4SHOP'

- '&8Right-Click'

- '&8To shop.'


- '%H[BlockHunt%H]'

- '%A%arenaname%'

- '%A%players%%N/%A%maxplayers%'

- '&8Waiting...'


- '%H[BlockHunt%H]'

- '%A%arenaname%'

- '%A%players%%N/%A%maxplayers%'

- '&2Start: %A%timeleft%'


- '%H[BlockHunt%H]'

- '%A%arenaname%'

- '%A%players%%N/%A%maxplayers%'

- '%EIngame: %A%timeleft%'

All these options allow you to change the signs in game you can change the color of the signs and change the text.


enabled: true

title: '%H[BlockHunt]'

timeleft: '%ATime left:'

seekers: '%NSeekers:'

hiders: '%NHiders:'

These options allow you to change the title or description and you can remove and add options.




onJoin: false

This option allows you to enable / disable if people requires there inventory to be empty to join the game.