

This is kind of a anti-xray plugin, this will only message admins, or a player with the permission, bb.check if someone broke a diamond ore!


This plugin uses Metrics to collect stats, you can disable this anytime by going into the config.yml file.

Commands & Permisisons

/Notch | Changes your tab name to "notch"!

/Ci | Clears your inventory

/InvSee <Name> | Clears someones inventory

/Disable | Disables the plugin

/Enable | Enables the plugin


bb.check = Allows you to see the Diamond Ore message and all!




To see a full to do list, commands, and permissions, go here! Commands

To install this plugin, drag it into the plugins folder then reload your server!

If you still don't know what this, it's when someone breaks a Diamond Ore block, it will broadcast to the admins or people who have the permission server saying that [Name] Has broke a diamond ore

New features

I have added a message where it will say if someone broke gold ore and iron ore, I have uploaded the file, now waiting for it to be approved.

There is also one thing coming too, when ever someone mines a ore it will give a percentage if it thinks the person is xraying, this is not a %100 accurate but can help a lot, I don't know when It will be added, so stay tuned!

I have uploaded a Stable build! The plugin wont crash as long as you're using a up to date CB Build (CraftBukkit)

AutoUpdater I will add a auto-updater to this plugin pretty soon, not sure, most likely it will take a little bit. the first release may not be so stable, but I will be sure to get a up to date stable build with the autoupdater. More things will happen to BlockBreaker!

Things coming soon

I am adding a Anti Grief add on to this plugin pretty shortly, I have already tested everything, I just need to add permissions to the Anti Grief and I will upload the file! I might eventually make a option to enable/disable the Anti Grief, but maybe in the future, thanks everyone!

Videos [Empty] If you have a video of how to install BlockBreaker or any video related to BlockBreaker, please PM me with the video link and I will gladly put it here and thank you! Thanks!

Images Images are right here if you want to check out some of the pictures I have uploaded of BlockBreaker, I will add more images to it as time goes by. Want to submit your image? Upload it to imgur or something like that, and pm me the link of it and i'll gladly upload it to the image files!

Images Link


If you want to help out BlockBreaker, we are looking for a logo design, if anyone has a good logo design, please pm me with the image of the logo, and i'll put it here if it's good and put your bukkit dev profile and everything!

Update [Version 1.2]

I have uploaded a Version 1.2 of BlockBreaker, it might take a bit to be approved, but here are the new features, hope you like them!

  • I have added a message if someone breaks Emerald ore and Redstone ore
  • Added a message on player join saying this server is running blockbreaker so don't xray!
  • Added a No Join + No Leave, this will not alert anyone if someone joins or leaves

Update [Version 1.3]

I have uploaded a Version 1.2 of BlockBreaker, it might take a little bit to be approved, but here it is!

  • Fixed the X Coordinate issue
  • Added a message when someone places TnT
  • Added a message when someone breaks Coal
  • I have added a SaveLog
  • I have added Settings
  • A Stable build
  • This plugin should not lag your server a lot

Update [Version 1.4]

  • Added Configuration file for the Welcome message


BBAntiBuild is a add on for this plugin, it stops all people from building unless they have the permission or they have OP! Go here if you want to download it!


Update [Version 1.4.1]

Added message when someone places TnT Removed Coal Ore message


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 16, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Mar 24, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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