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#set use-autoupdater to false, if you dont want autoupdates
use-autoupdater: true


  • Add shockwaves on takeoff and landing
  • Add options in config for each and every one of superman's powers
  • (Suggestions Are Welcome)


To install the plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Download the .jar file
  2. Drag and drop it into the folder named "plugins" in your server
  3. Reload or restart the server
  4. You're finished!

Note: for updating, if you aren't using autoupdating, you would use this same process.


  • The autoupdater works like this: If you have it set to allow it, when your server boots up and there is an update, it automatically downloads and installs it to your server. No work for you!
  • To disable, go into config.yml which is in the BeSuperman folder in your plugins folder, and set use-autoupdater to false


  • MCstats works like this: If you have it set to allow it, when you start up your server, it sends data to MCstats, which then transmits that to me in real-time, allowing me to see how many servers run my plugin, and how many players play on server running it.
  • To disable, go into the config.yml which is in the PluginMetrics folder in your plugins folder, and set opt-out to true MCstats


Source on github: GithubInMore


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