

The commands for AuthDB aren't plentiful right now, but here is a general overview on how to use them.

User Commands

To register an account to play on the server, use:
/register password email

Password being whatever you want to use to login with and email as this will be used on the script the server has been configured with for functions such as password recovery and email notifications.

To login with the password you selected during registration, use:
/login password

Password being whatever password you entered during registration.

If you are already registered with the server's forum/CMS and are using a different name in the game, use:
/login username password

Password being whatever password you entered during registration and username being the username of the forum/CMS you want to login with.

(Currently this will not save your inventory if guest: inventory: is set to false and other players can currently use your in-game player because there is no username linking yet.)

To link two usernames together, such as if your forum username is different than your Minecraft username, use:
/link otherusername password

Otherusername being the username you want to link with as your login and the password associated with that username.

To unlink two usernames that are currently linked, use:
/unlink otherusername password

Otherusername being the username you want to link with as your login and the password associated with that username.