PVP Log Warner

Command prevention and fire/tnt/potion detection is pending acceptance of v9005 by Our Glorious Moderators



Sick of people logging out during PVP to prevent death? We can detect their misbehavior and punish them accordingly, motivating people to stop this behavior.


  • PVP logging detection, with customizable sensitivity
  • Punishment for PVP logging is customizable, with the ability to do any server command. This includes banning, as well as other commands from other plugins.
  • Optional messages to moderators that are logged in, so they can be notified of PVP logging.
  • The optional messages to moderators are completely customizable, with different color options as well. See the section below on "Messages With Custom Colors and Player Names"
  • Able to reload the config.yml file while running with the /pvpwarn reload command and the right permission
  • Stops players from using commands. Note: a bannedcommands.yml needs to be created for this feature to work
  • Detects player to player damage, fire, TNT, arrows, enchanted weapons, and potions


Simply place the jar file into your plugins folder and start your Bukkit server. A default configuration file will be generated the first time it is run. To have it stop player commands while in PVP, look at the bannedcommands.yml. You will need to make your own since every server has different commands that could be used to escape PVP


  • pvpwarn.warnuser - Permission for which players to warn when a player has PVP logged. Default: OP
  • pvpwarn.reload - Permission for which players can use /pvpwarn reload. Default: OP


  • /pvpwarn reload - used to reload the config.yml file. Need "pvpwarn.reload" permission to do this.



  • letOPpvplog - This is true/false on whether we are to allow OPs to PVP log with impunity. If this is false, then whenever an OP triggers PVP logging, he is treated like a normal player, and mods are warned of it as well as the command is executed. NOTE: SOME COMMANDS LIKE /tempban FROM ESSENTIALS DO NOT WORK ON OP'd PLAYERS. Default: false
  • timeamount - This is to check for how long ago a player has been hit by another player before triggering a PVP logging. Value is in seconds. Default: 3
  • healthamount - This is to check for how much health a player must have in order to NOT trigger an event. If a player has this much health or more health than this value, they are NOT considered to be PVP logging if they leave. Value is in HALF hearts. Default: 6
  • tellmods - This is true/false on whether to tell people with "antipvplogger.warnuser" permission whenever someone does PVP logging. Default: true
  • modwarn - This is a string that tells governs what warnings moderators get whenever a player PVP logs.
  • command - This is the command that will be called when player PVP logs. It can be any command executable from the server console. You can use &&p to substitute the name of whatever player PVP logged in as part of the command. Do not put a slash at the beginning. Default: none.

Messages With Custom Colors and Player Names

The warning strings can have colors in them, as well as the player name. To do so, include the following codes into your warning message in the configuration file.

  • &0 - makes text after it black
  • &1 - makes text after it dark blue
  • &2 - makes text after it dark green
  • &3 - makes text after it dark aqua
  • &4 - makes text after it dark red
  • &5 - makes text after it dark purple
  • &6 - makes text after it gold
  • &7 - makes text after it gray
  • &8 - makes text after it dark gray
  • &9 - makes text after it blue
  • &a - makes text after it green
  • &b - makes text after it aqua
  • &c - makes text after it red
  • &d - makes text after it light purple
  • &e - makes text after it yellow
  • &f - makes text after it white
  • &&p - replaces the '&&p' with the player name of whomever PVP logged. You can also use this for the Command

Suggested Use

It works with any other plugin as well, so you could configure it to subtract from their iConomy money, tokens, or other things as punishment. You could even combine this with a plugin to kill the player and drop all their inventory, so they'll log back on dead and needing to respawn. The possibilities are endless.

Or you could just leave it at warning moderators, letting them to do as they please on a case by case basis!

Upcoming Features

Tracking how often someone PVP logs, long term. With that I'll be: Adding a /pvpwarn [playername] command that tells how many times a player has pvplogged (and when).


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 19, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 24, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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