
Logo by xDizasterCYx Thanks to xDizasterCYx for this nice logo!

Which features offers AdvancedMotd to you?

English / Englisch

With AdvancedMotd you are able to change the message of the day (MOTD) of your server in the server list in game. You can also add more than one MOTD, one of these will be randomly choosen for displaying in the server list. AdvancedMotd offers you the opportunity to display the player name who is viewing the server list in the server motd.

German / Deutsch

Mit AdvancedMotd kannst du die Server-MOTD (message of the day / Nachricht des Tages), die in der Serverliste angezeigt wird, ingame, zur Laufzeit des Servers, ändern. Außerdem kannst du mehr als eine MOTD bestimmen, in diesem Fall wird eine Nachricht zufällig angezeigt. Desweiteren besteht die Möglichkeit, den Namen des Spielers, der die Serverliste aufruft, in der MOTD anzuzeigen.

Installation & configuration


  1. Download the latest released version of AdvancedMotd!
  2. Drag the AdvancedMotd.jar file and drop it into your plugins-folder!
  3. Reload or restart your server!


First open the config.yml in the AdvancedMotd-folder in your plugins-folder. You can use all default color codes with &, example: &c Text. &u for underlined text, &s for striketrough, &i for italic text.

save ip-addresses: true #Save IP-addresses to assign these to players to display the player names in the motd
player name variable: '%p' #This placeholder will be replaced with the name of viewing player.
default player name: Minecraftler #used name if there is no player assigned to an IP
- '&4AdvancedMotd &cby &6MrFlieder' #a default motd
- '&aAdvancedMotd &bby &eMrFlieder' #another default motd
- '&6&k|||&r&3&i Welcome, &u&b%p&r&e :) &6&k|||' #another default motd


/advancedmotd, /amodt, /motd[list, add <MOTD>, remove <number>]List set messages, add a new motd, or remove a motd


advancedmotd.commandAccess to the /advancedmotd command

How to format

In your motd's you can use all color codes. For example: &aThis is a green text,&b this is blue!

Additional color codes:

Random color: %rdm


Display player name: %p

Display the amount of online players: %players

Display how many slots does the server have: %slots


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 10, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Dec 4, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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