
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

This is simple plugin for keeping track of alts and players IP's. This will help you identify those who are coming on your server on a alt account if they are banned for example. You then use /accountcheck [Player name] which will send you all the accounts which have logged on the server with the same IP address. All players IPs and usernames will be saved in the server config. This is a great admin tool to use for both good or bad for example if your friend comes on your server with a different account you will know its them! Note: You do not need to type in full name just the first few letters and then the plugin will detect the player closest to what you typed.

/accountcheck [Online Player Name]
/getip [Online Player Name]
/getofflineip [Offline Player Name]


Account-Check workings


This will show you a list (In photo above), with every player that has logged on the server that is linked with the IP address for the targeted player. It will only work if the player has logged on the server when you have has Account-Checker installed.

This will be one line of text and will show you who has been targeted and their current IP address.

If this player has logged into the server before it will show you that last IP they logged in with when they are not online and the time they last logged in.


Things to be added in the future (Comment Below):
- Check offline IP addresses [Done]
- Ban IP command? [Need suggestions]

How to install:
1. Put AccountChecker.jar in the server plugin folder.
2. Restart the server.
3. When a player joins a config.yml will be created with IPs (Do not edit this infomation).

Comment for any issues, problems or suggestions and donations will be appreciated.

Change Log:

- Plugin published and tested

- Bug fixes
- New commands and permissions

- Bug fixes
- Ability to get a offline player's IP address
- Improved config layout
- Last login times


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 17, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Oct 19, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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