Back Story

Back Story

Day 22: Jenkins has fallen gravely ill. While exploring a nearby cave in search of resources to illuminate our hovel, he was assaulted by what he described as "a rotting mass of bones and flesh that reeked of death."

According to his account, Jenkins brandished his sword and struck down the beast but not before receiving a terrible bite to the forearm. Since his injury two days ago, Jenkins has developed a terrible fever and moans from the pain. The rest of the party is getting restless. We haven't left the encampment since his injury for fear of encountering another creature. We can only hope for a speedy recovery.

Day 25: I cannot begin to describe my sense of loss. First Jenkins, and now Prattwit! I'll do my best to recount the past eighteen hours but I panic and chaos may have mottled the details.

At 9:25 this morning Jenkins was pronounced dead - succumbed to his injuries or so we thought. With somber hearts we began the internment but something went very wrong. Jenkins was not dead! However, our elation was cut brutally short when we realized that the animated corpse rising before us was only superficially Jenkins. What shred of humanity was left in it died in the night.

Before we could react, Prattwit was torn limb from limb from the groaning beast! The horror! I had known Prattwit since childhood. We managed to seal the beast in the antechamber using a stack of lumber and then retreated to the safety of the second floor. It's still down there - moaning. I do not know what to do.

Day 35: We had a tremendous scientific breakthrough today. I've been experimenting with the materials of this world and have discovered a possible cure to the pox that befell Jenkins and Prattwit. After injecting the Prattwit monster with a slurry of milk, eggs, sugar and wheat, I witnessed for the first time a regression of the symptoms. For a moment I saw the tormented eyes of a man behind the rotting death-mask of the monster. Then death took it. I believe with some refinement I can work this concoction into a viable antidote to the monster plague!

Day 37: Success! After eleven trials I have found that in the right proportions the monster antidote can be molded into a brick for safe storage, transport, and consumption. The Congealed Antidote K Extract, or CAKE for short has proven successful in initial trials but I found it has a weakness. Once unpacked from its box, the mold is too fragile for further transport and must be consumed on the spot. Any attempt to move the CAKE has destroyed the CAKE. I will continue to refine the recipe. We shall no longer fear the darkness!


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