User Documentation

How do you use XpEcon?

XP Help


Command permissions coming soon, for now, there is two categories: user commands, and mod commands.

<> means required argument, and [] means optional argument.

User Commands:

Any user can execute these commands.

/xp help

Usage: /xp help [page]

This command displays the help page for XpEcon.

/xp info

Usage: /xp info [player]

This command shows the account info for you, or if specified, another player.

The info only contains balance and name for now.

/xp give

Usage: /xp give <amount> <player>

This command gives some of your XP to someone else.

This, of course, does not work with negative values.

Mod Commands:

Only OP's can execute these commands

/xp mod

Usage: /xp mod <amount> [player]

This command edits an account's balance relatively.

Negative values DO work with this command.

If a player is not specified, it defaults to the person who executed the command.

/xp delete

Usage: /xp delete <player>

This command will delete an account.

It will ask for a confirmation, re-send the command exactly the same to confirm.

The user's account will re-generate with the default balance (10.0) when they log on.

/xp reset

Usage: /xp reset [amount]

This command will reset all accounts in the database.

It will ask for a confirmation, re-send the command exactly the same to confirm.

If an amount is not specified, it will default to the default balance (10.0)

Resetting all accounts to 0.0 will NOT delete them, only reset their values.

XP Banks:

These are special chests that reflect the opener's XP balance in bottles. Take bottles and it removes the according XP from your bar. Insert some and it adds XP to your bar. Similar to withdrawal/deposits. To make one have a gold block touch any face of a chest, this will not override the contents of the chest, only hide it until the gold block is removed.

XP Bank


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