Filter Modes

Filter Modes


In your server's plugin directory, open the "WordFilter" folder. Then open "config.txt" in your favorite text editor.

Look for the line that starts with

filterMode = SUPPRESS

"SUPPRESS" is the default filter mode. Change SUPPRESS to a method below to change how the filter deals with messages that violate your rules. Regardless of filter method, the player is always notified that their message was offensive and not allowed.


filterMode = SUPPRESS

The player's message is simply not sent. It does not appear in chat at all. This is the default behavior.


filterMode = REPLACE

The player's message is replaced entirely by a different message. This message is selected randomly from any sentence in the file "phrase list.txt".

If you want their message to always be changed to something, only define one message.

Sample phrase list.txt:

First sentence here.
Second phrase here.
Third sentence here.
Fourth phrase here.

and so on. The file supports an infinite number of entries. The file should not have blank lines.


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