

Simple password promotion plugin.

We use it on our server as a sort of greylist, people will need to complete a tutorial and read our rules in order to find the application code, then they can submit it and gain access to build on the server forcing them to read our rules before being able to build. The plugin will also announce to users who have the correct permissions that x player got promoted

Dependency: Vault

plugin hooks into vault and will therefore work with all permission plugins vault supports: Permissions 3, bPermissions, PEX, GroupManager, PermissionsBukkit, zPermission, SimplyPerms


Edit the config.yml to your needs:

Message: use /apply password to get promoted

Message not used yet, will be in future update.

Password: test

password change this to whatever you want them to apply with "1 word only"

Defaultgroup: default

Defaultgroup set this to the group they initially get promoted from

Group: Member

Group set this to the group they get promoted to


  • winpass.pass - permission needed for the /apply command
  • winpass.announce - permission to users you wish to recieve the announce on promotion
  • winpass.admin - permission for /winpass <password> command


  • /apply <password> - Lets users apply and rank up
  • /winpass <password> - Changes the application code for /apply password


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