
WesAdvert v1.2

With this plugin you can broadcast adverts.
If cost is enabled you will need the Vault plugin to make cost work with economy plugins by Vault.


Download: Latest build

Command ussage: [] Required ()Optional

/advert [text]
Broadcast a advert with the input from text.

/wesadvert [sort] (value)
/wesadvert cost (value)
Set the advert cost to true or false.
/wesadvert money (value)
Set the advert cost of one advert, value must be a valid number.
/wesadvert tag (value)
Set the tag of a advert
/wesadvert username (value)
Set the username showing to true or false.
/wesadvert reload
Reloads the config

Stop your server.
Unzip the content from the .zip file into your plugins folder.
Then config the WesAdvert/config.yml file as you like see configuration section for explanation.
Start your server and enjoy WesAdvert.

You will need a permissions plugin with SuperPerms support like PermissionsEX
wesadvert.* #Access to all wesadvert commands.
wesadvert.advert #Allows to use the command /advert Default this permissions is true.
-wesadvert.advert #Disallows to use the command /advert.
wesadvert.admin #Allows to use the command /wesadvert Default this permission if for ops.


  amount: 5.0 #The amount of money a advert broadcast cost.
  enabled: true #true: advert will cost the cost value(Vault plugin required) | false: advert will be free and the vault plugin is not required
tag: '[Advert]' #the tag that the broadcast starts with.
username: true #true: advert will show the username | false: The username will not be showed


  • -v1.2
    Plugin is fully done and released
  • -v1.1
    Added the the command /wesadvert see commands section for more info
  • -v1.03
    Added permissions see permissions sections.
  • -v1.02
    Added the ability to enable username showing in the config.
  • -v1.01
    Fixed when having not enough money still broadcasting the advert.
  • -v1.0
    Initial version


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