
When you first run WelcomeCake it will create a config.yml file within a new folder (WelcomeCake) inside your plugins directory. Te file will contain the followin.

extendedLog: false
  enabled: false
  message: ''
  enabled: false
  rate: 5

Property Explanation

ExtendedLog: This will turn on or off extended / additional information being send to the server console. Acceptable values: true/false.

welcome > enabled: This turns on or off the welcome messages. Acceptable values: true/false .

welcome > message: This is the welcome message the user will see if it has been turned enabled. Acceptable values: Any strings.

chance > enabled: This turns on or off the ability to possibly give a user some cake when they login. Acceptable values: true/false.

chance > rate: This is the rate your users can get cake. Evey login has a 1 in X (X being the number you define) chance of getting cake, provided they don't already have cake and have a free slot in their inventory. Acceptable values: Any integer / whole number.


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