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Change Log:

V 1.3: Changed the signs to be numbers instead of characters. Made the signs automatically create if one isn't there. Signs height and power can be adjusted by right clicking & shift+right clicking! Made iron block's height and power adjustable! Added disable and enable commands! Removed some unnecessary code. Temporary Download Link (Version 1.3)

V 1.2.7: Fixed so that other portals aren't affected by this plugin ((Sorry that they were in 1.2.5!)) (Only End Portals).. and made it more difficult to teleport to the end (if not impossible) through the fireworks.

V 1.2.5: Made it so people can't teleport to the end through the fireworks;

V 1.2.1: Bug Fix.

V 1.2: Added light to fireworks and removed the requirement to type 'firework' on the top of the height and power signs.

V 1.1.1: Added sign 'power' and 'height' functionality.

V 1.0.1: Compiled with JDK6 instead of 7.

V 1.0: Cleaned up code, fixed some bugs. Reduced the firework intensity to reduce lag - for more intense fireworks send power to more than one side of the wool block at once.

V 0.6: Initial Release.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 30, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Sep 11, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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