Creating and Change a EXBank as Admin(deDE)

The EXBank has two kind of users...

  1. The normal Players with UseExp.Player
  2. The Admins with UseExp.Admin

A normal Player just can create a sign by setting the first line into [EXBank]

  • [EXBank]

then the sign will change into:

  • [EXBank]
  • Username
  • 0
  • config line51

The Admins can create signs for every Player and with every amount of level by setting a sign like this:

  • [EXBank]
  • Who every Username
  • a amount of level
  • config line51

but they have to set all these lines from their own... it will not be changed from the plugin.

Admins can also delete everybodys Sign.


If a Admin create a sign without all informations it will throw an Error to the Consol when using the sign.


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