
Plugin Installation

Please follow the steps listed below. Note that the using the plugin requires a Twitter account.

Part 1 - Setting up a Twitter Application

  1. Sign into Twitter with your account or open an account on Twitter.
  2. Go to Twitter's official developers page at
  3. On Twitter's developers page, when logged in, click on create a new application (can also go directly to
  4. Create the application. You can use your server's name as the application name and whatever URL you like. The application will be created as read-only by default.
  5. After the application is created, you will see the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
  6. On the application page, click on "create access tokens" and wait for the tokens to be created.
  7. When the tokens are created, you will see the values of Access Token and Access Token Secret. Keep the access read-only.

Part 2 - Installing the TwitterBoard plugin

  1. Copy the JAR file of the plugin into the /plugins folder.
  2. Reload the server.
  3. To verify that the plugin was enabled, type the command /twitterboard version. If you don't have access to that command, look at the server's log to see if anything went wrong when reloading the server.
  4. Open the config.yml of the plugin (It will be under /plugins/TwitterBoard).
  5. Enter the values of consumerkey, consumersecret, accesstoken and accesstokensecret that you got in part 1.
  6. Save config.yml and reload the server again
  7. To verify that the keys are OK, run the following command "/twitterboard checkconfig". If the config is OK, you are good to go!

Security Concerns

  • The consumer and access keys are only known by your server, which uses the plugin to access Twitter. Don't share the keys with anyone.
  • The Twitter application is read-only and rate-limited by default. It it not recommended to change the access level.
  • You may revoke the access tokens at any time on Twitter. If you do that, your server will no longer be able to access Twitter, until you update the plugin's config.yml.


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