

TrollAdmin is a very simple plugin that help you in trolling with players.


- /trolladmin: Show the commands
- /trollop <player name>: Send fake op message to the player
- /trolldeop <player name>: Send fake deop message to the player
- /trollgm <player name>: Send fake gamemode message
- /opme: Send fake op message for the player
- /trollpickup <player name>: Turn off/on that the player can pickup items
- /trollchat [player name] [message/command*]: Say the player the message

  • : The player must had the command permission. for example: You type: /trollchat player1 /time day <= If the player had the time permission,then the command is executed


- trolladmin.trolladmin: allow to use /trolladmin command
- trolladmin.trollop: allow to use /trollop command
- trolladmin.trolldeop: allow to use /trolldeop command
- trolladmin.trollgm: allow to use /trollgm command
- trolladmin.trollchat: allow to use /trollchat command
- trolladmin.moderator: can't troll admin(s) and owner(s)
- trolladmin.admin: can't troll owner(s), but can troll moderator(s)
- trolladmin.owner: moderator(s) and admin(s) can't troll him
- trolladmin.opme: allow to use /opme
- trolladmin.trollpickup: allow to use /trollpickup
trolladmin.trollprevent: Deny to troll with the target ( if the target have this permission )


- You don't need any configuration for this plugin!

If you have any ideas for this plugin or something you find an error please write a comment or send me a ticketet!


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