
Main command

The main command is /treasurechest, or /tchest for short.

To get command help, execute

or for example,
/tchest setmessage ?

General commands

Command help/tchest [page]
/tchest <command> ?
Reload the config.yml file/tchest reload
Count how many treasures you, or somebody else has found./tchest count [player]
List all treasure locations that you have found/tchest list [page]
List all treasure locations on the server/tchest list-all [page]

Treasure commands

All of the following commands require you to look at a chest. (or doublechest/furnace/dispenser/brewingstand)

Create new treasure
Or update the items.
/tchest set
/tchest create
Create new shared treasure
Or update the items.
/tchest set-shared
Delete treasure/tchest del
/tchest delete
Let the items be random.

For example, if a treasure has 10 item-stacks in it.
And you do /tchest random 2.
The treasure will be 2 item-stacks, randomly chosen from the total of 10
/tchest setrandom [amount]
/tchest random [amount]
/tchest r [amount]
Unlimited treasure mode/tchest setunlimited
/tchest unlimited
/tchest u
Ignore-protection mode.

When ignore-protection is on, and there is
another plugin protecting the chest.
Then, this plugin will try to override the protection,
so that players can get the treasure anyway.
/tchest ignoreprotection
/tchest ip
Read more about messages below./tchest setmsg [index] <msg>
/tchest setmessage [index] <msg>
Players can loot the treasure again, after this much time./tchest setforgettime <d> <h> <m> <s>
/tchest setforget <d> <h> <m> <s>
You, or another player, can loot it again/tchest forget [player]
Everybody can loot it again/tchest forget-allplayers
/tchest forget-all
Add/remove/list rewards, like health, exp, money, etc./tchest reward
Add/remove/list ranks.

Also see the permissions page,
for giving out ranks to players
/tchest rank
Create/delete/list treasure groups.
Add/remove treasures.
And other group operations.
/tchest group ?
Look at the real inventory of a treasure

Useful when working with unlimited dispensers and droppers.
/tchest peek

Change messages

When executing command /tchest setmsg [id] <message>, you can use the following message indices:

  1. Found for the first time
    For example /tchest setmsg 1 You found a treasure!
  2. Found already
    For example /tchest setmsg 2 You already found this treasure.
  3. Found an unlimited treasure
    For example /tchest setmsg 3 Take as much as you want!

You can also configure default messages.