
Current Version - 1.6.2

This will disable the players ability to go out on the surface of Minecraft without using a special item to prevent from suffocation. Toxicity is designed to give a different experience than Minecraft. Toxicity creates a dense layer of fog during the night. This "fog" is invisible to the naked eye, and is very lethal. The only way to not get killed by this fog, or suffocated, is to wear a specific piece of armor that can be chosen in the plugins properties file. The "armor" is anything that can be wearable by Steve, i.e. Pumpkins, etc. The amount of damage that is given to the player in this "fog" depends on how much the administrator put it as. The plugin will be automated, so be cautious of how you set the properties of the file. Make sure you keep a broadcast up for the players who forget a lot.

I credit Yama for the idea, which I kinda added on to so, it's partially mine also.

I am aware that this plugin might have some bugs, but this is still in alpha so, it is just for a test. Please post anything that you see happening, and/or want added. I will be adding help to it, along with some commands and a config so you can edit the intervals and stuff. :D Hope you like it!

Update Info:

  • Fixed config.
  • Adding commands along with a toggle on and off option
  • Adding Warning Announcements and Update status'
  • ToxicSurface name changed to Toxicity
  • Added Download for plugin
  • Increased amount of damage player takes to 4
  • Decreased damage time to 5 seconds.
  • There are no further updates*


Toxicity© Version Alpha 0.0.1

© Copyright 2013. Content Belongs to Jake Pickett a.k.a DragsZombies. Do NOT re-post on internet unless you are permitted.

Violators will be prosecuted.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 25, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Aug 15, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License

