

Note to Admins: If you want to disable short commands, open ToolBox.jar and rename plugin_alt.yml to plugin.yml.

Note: You can use either the short or the long version of almost every command. Here's a list (short = long):

  • v = version
  • a = admin
  • p = price
  • uf = ultimatefist
  • h = hammer
  • lb = leafblower
  • i = invpick
  • r = repair

And you can use some short commands: /uf, /ultimatefist, /h, /hammer, /lb, /leafblower, /i, /invpick, /r, /repair

You can also either use /toolbox or /tb.
And /tb uf will do exactly the same as /toolbox ultimatefist.

Note: Arguments in () must be given, those in [] are optional.

User Commands

/tb - Show the help
/tb help [x] - Show the help page nr. [x]
/tb help (tool) - Show the help page for that tool
/tb p - Show the prices
/tb uf buy - Buy the Ultimate Fist
/tb uf - Use your current item as Ultimate Fist
/tb uf off - Turn off your Ultimate Fist
/tb h buy - Buy Gods Hammer
/tb h - Use your current item as Gods Hammer
/tb h (soft/hard) - Switch between soft and hard mode.
/tb h [s] - Set the radius of Gods Hammer to [s]
/tb h [x] [y] [z] - Set the radius of Gods Hammer to [s]
/tb h [left] [right] [down] [up] [back] [for] - Set the radius of Gods Hammer
/tb lb buy - Buy the Leaf Blower
/tb lb - Use your current item as Leaf Blower
/tb lb off - Turn off your Leaf Blower
/tb i buy - Buy the InvPick
/tb i - Toggle InvPicking
/tb i (on/off) - Turn InvPicking on or off
/tb repair - Repair your current item

Admin Commands

/tb a - Admin help
/tb a give (player) (tool) - Give a tool to a player
/tb a take (player) (tool) - Take a tool away from a player
/tb a delete (player) - Delete a players ToolBox
/tb a reload - Reload the config and the language files