Explosion power

Explosion power

Explosion source and is power

Wither (on creation) - 7

Ender Crystal - 6

Charged Creeper - 6

Bed (in Nether or End) - 5

TNT - 4

Creeper - 3

Ghast fireball - 1

Black Wither skull - 1

Blue Wither skull - 1

Blast Resistance

Bedrock - 18,000,000

End Portal Frame - 18,000,000

End Portal - 18,000,000

Anvil - 6,000

Enchantment Table - 6,000

Obsidian - 6,000

Ender Chest - 3,000

Lava - 500

Water - 500

Flowing Water - 500

End Stone - 45

Bricks - 30

Stone Brick - 30

Cobblestone - 30

Cobblestone Wall - 30

Block of Diamond - 30

Block of Emerald - 30

Block of Gold - 30

Block of Iron - 30

Jukebox - 30

Moss Stone - 30

Nether Brick - 30

Nether Brick Stairs - 30

Nether Brick Fence - 30

Stone Stairs - 30

Stone Slabs - 30

Stone - 30

Iron Bars - 30

Iron Door - 25

Monster Spawner - 25

Dispenser - 17.5

Furnace - 17.5

Beacon - 15

Coal Ore - 15

Diamond Ore - 15

Emerald Ore - 15

Wooden Door - 15

Fence - 15

Gold Ore - 15

Iron Ore - 15

Lapis Lazuli Block - 15

Lapis Lazuli Ore - 15

Redstone Ore - 15

Wooden Stairs - 15

Wooden Planks - 15

Wooden Slabs - 15

Cocoa Plant - 15

Chest - 12.5

Crafting Table - 12.5

Wood - 10

Bookshelf - 7.5

Jack 'o' Lantern - 5

Melon (Block) - 5

Pumpkin - 5

Sign - 5

Head - 5

Note Block - 4

Sandstone - 4

Sandstone Stairs - 4

Wool - 4

Rail - 3.5

Clay (Block) - 3

Farmland - 3

Gravel - 3

Sponge - 3

Grass - 3

Cake - 2.5

Dirt - 2.5

Ice - 2.5

Lever - 2.5

Mycelium - 2.5

Pressure Plates - 2.5

Sand - 2.5

Soul Sand - 2.5

Button - 2.5

Cactus - 2

Ladders - 2

Netherrack - 2

Glass - 1.5

Glowstone Block - 1.5

Redstone Lamp - 1.5

Bed - 1

Leaves - 1

Snow Block - 1

Snow - 0.5