
TimeOut Death Management System


TimeOut's primary goal is to manage dead players. Once a player dies on your server, they are placed in Time Out for a specified number of days ( Default is 7 day ). After this Time Out period they are allowed to return to the server.

TimeOut works much like DeathBan, except a player's return to the server is automatically timed and managed. If a player attempts to log in during their Time Out, they are given a friendly reminder of the date they will be allowed to return, or a custom message that you design.

Players can be assigned Revival Tokens, which excuse them from TimeOut once per token. This can be a handy reward for players who donate to your server.


TimeOut version 0.3 has been tested and is compatible with Bukkit version 1493.


Download the latest release of TimeOut and copy the jar file into your bukkit plugins folder. Restart bukkit to activate TimeOut.


We recommend you use the /to command to configure TimeOut.

/to set length [days to ban]

Set the number of days to ban a player. (Default 7 days) Once a player presses Respawn, TimeOut logs the exact time and adds the specified number of days. If a player dies at 4:00pm on the 2nd, they can play again at 4:00pm on the 9th.

/to set cleanup [ticks until kick]

Default value is 15 ticks. We recommend you do not change this value unless you know exactly what you are doing. After a player dies, TimeOut waits a moment before kicking the player from the server. This allows the system to handle important stuff first, like removing all the items from the player's inventory. Set this value too low, and the system may not have enough time to complete it's work. Set it too high, and the player may be able to click Respawn before the Kick, resulting in ghost players sitting at the spawn point. 20 ticks = 1 second.

/to set deathmessage [Custom Message]

Configure a custom message to be displayed to players just after death.

/to set earlymsg [Custom Message]

Configure a custom message to be displayed to returning players who are still in TimeOut.


/to enable

Enables TimeOut serverwide. This is the default state of TimeOut.

/to disable

Disables TimeOut serverwide.

/to ban [Player Name] <Timeout In Days>

Manually place a player in timeout. They will not be killed, simply kicked and banned for the specified number of days. If no timeframe is given, the value of length will be used.

/to revive [Player Name]

Return a player from timeout.

/to status [Player Name]

Checks to see if a player is currently in TimeOut.

/to tokens [Player Name]

Checks the balance of Revival Tokens a player has.

/to addtokens [Player Name] [Quantity]

Gives Revival Tokens to the player.


TimeOut is fully permissions aware and has been tested with PermissionsEx.

timeout.addtokensPlayer has the ability to give Revival Tokens to any player.
timeout.banPlayer can place any player into TimeOut.
timeout.enableGrants the player the ability to enable and disable the entire TimeOut system. Recommended for admins and ops only.
timeout.gettokensGrants the player the ability to view any player's Revival Token balance.
timeout.immortalPlayer never enters TimeOut and will respawn like normal on death. ( Ops are automatically granted this permission. )
timeout.reviveGrants the player the ability to revive any player who is currently in TimeOut.
timeout.setGrants the ability to use any of the /to set commands. Recommended for admins and ops only.
timeout.statusGrants the player the ability to get the TimeOut status of any player.

Custom Message Tokens

You can insert tokens into your custom message so that they display dynamic data from the server based on your particular situation. Here is a list of the currently supported tokens:

  • %server% - Inserts the name of the server
  • %player% - Inserts the name of the player
  • %curtime% - The current system time, displayed with time zone. ( Ex. 5:25 PM CDT )
  • %curdate% - The current system date, displayed in short American notation ( Ex. 10/31/2011 )
  • %ubantime% - The time at which the player will no longer be in timeout
  • %ubandate% - The date upon which the player will no longer be in timeout


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