TextPlayer Commands

[] indicates a required field.

In-Game Commands:

  • /text help - Displays the TextPlayer Help Page
  • /text agree - Typing this means that you agree to the terms of use that can be found at www.codisimus.com/terms
  • /text [Name] [Message] - Sends a text message to the specified User
  • /text set [Carrier] [PhoneNumber] - Sets your Phone number that text messages will be sent to (A list of spported Carries can be found by typing "/text list carriers")
  • /text set email [EmailAddress] - Sets your Email Address that messages will be sent to (this will replace your your Phone number if one is set)
  • /text clear - Clears your Phone Number or Email Address from the database
  • /text watch player [Name] - Be alerted when the specified Player logs on
  • /text watch player * - Be alerted when any Player (besides yourself) logs on
  • /text watch server - Be alerted when the Server comes online
  • /text watch item tnt - Be alerted when a Player places TNT
  • /text watch item fire - Be alerted when a Player lights a fire
  • /text watch word [Word] - Be alerted when a Player says a specific word
  • /text watch errors - Be alerted when an error is printed to the server log
  • To unwatch something, use the same command but type "unwatch" instead of "watch"
  • /text enable - Be alerted via text message even when you are logged onto the server
  • /text disable - Block alerts via text message when you are logged onto the server
  • /text limit [Number] - Limits how many text messages you will be sent each day
  • /text whitelist add [Player] - Allow the specified Player to text you
  • /text whitelist remove [Player] - Remove the specified Player from your whitelist
  • /text list carriers - Lists all of the supported Cell Phone Carriers (If your Cell phone provider is not listed, contact Codisimus with the sms gateway)
  • /text list users - Lists all of the Users whom you may contact via /text [Name] [Message]
  • /text list admins - Lists all of the Admins whom you may contact via /text [Name] [Message]
  • /text list watching - Lists all of the Players/Items/Word that you are currently watching
  • /text check - Force the Server to check for new Mail

Text Commands (from your phone to the Server):

  • pl - Retrieve a full list of Players that are currently online
  • find [Player] - Check if the specified Player is currently online
  • tell [Player] [Message] - Whisper a message to an online Player
  • say [Message] - Broadcast a message to the entire Server
  • Admins can also use any command that can be used from the console, for example:
  • rl - Reload the Server
  • ban [Player] - Bans the specified Player
  • help - For a full list of console commands


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