
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



SwornPatrol is a simple administrative plugin that adds the functionality to patrol your server with ease. Like my other plugins it was created to make staffing our server easier and more attractive. This tool has two modes: manual and automatic - both of which are compatible with each other. In its manual mode players can choose when they 'patrol'/teleport to the next player on their rounds, though they will also need to use vanish command if they want to be invisible. In automatic mode players are automatically teleported between patrollable players every 5 to 60 seconds (configurable - default is 20) and patrollers are vanished and given creative fly mode (without the other creative features). The manual patrol command can be used with the automatic mode to skip to another player at any time.

SwornPatrol was produced for the server MineSworn. Check out my other plugins here


Auto Patrol

  • Automatically patrol through players, teleporting between them at set intervals.
  • Do so while vanished and not able to pickup drops. In addition, patrolling players cannot take nor inflict damage.

Manual Patrol

  • Command to manually teleport to the next player in line to be patrolled.
  • Permission to skip patrolling of certain players.
  • Move through your playerbase in your own time, in case auto patrolling doesn't suit your needs.


  • Vanish commands to hide away from players on your server while you watch over them for suspicious behaviour.
  • Won't pickup items while vanished.

Inspect Teleport

  • Originally designed so that moderators on our server could teleport to players to check on cases of faction betrayal, this feature could serve for many other purposes.
  • Will teleport player back after 2 minutes.
  • Can teleport twice before having to wait a 5 minute cooldown.
  • Picking up drops and damage disabled while inspecting.

Cheat Detection Integration

  • Servers with the CheatDetection plugin will receive alerts allowing staff to teleport vanished to players who are reported as pinging the fly detector.
  • CheatDetection is a currently unreleased plugin written by orange451 and slam5000 that monitors players for suspicious behavior and logs kicks/bans/jails.


Commands and Permissions


Version 2.0

  • Completely rewrote code for plugin.
  • Added cheat detection plugin integration (if installed).
  • Added inspect teleport command which teleports back after 2 minutes.

Version 1.0

  • Released on bukkit dev!


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