

[Version 2.6.4]
- Updated to 1.5.1
[Version 2.6.3]
- Update bPermissions hooks
- Update MCStats to v6
[Version 2.6.2]
- Added support for Privileges
- Added support for a timezone offset
- Added MCStats metrics tracking
[Version 2.6.1]
- Resolve issue where I accidentally cancel all plugin tasks. Oops.
[Version 2.6.0]
- Implemented the AsyncPlayerChatEvent.
- Resolved issues with interaction between iChat and plugins such as Factions.
- More strict caching of data
- Implemented a time-based cache refresh. This is due to not being able to make the calls I require in an ASync event.
- The refresh rate of the cache is configurable in the config.yml. It is not recommended to set this any lower than 100 ticks (5 seconds).
[Version 2.5.9]
- Revert changes to VariableHandler
- Revert to using PlayerChatEvent as Bukkit itself is not thread safe
- Add /me permission/config
- Hopefully resolve NPE in loadConfig of VH
- Add support for GroupManager
[Version 2.5.8]
- Add ichat.format.color/formatting permissions for more customization
- Switch to the new "AsyncPlayerChatEvent"
- Thread-safe VariableHandler
- Build against 1.3.1
[Version 2.5.7]
- Fixed issue with players saying +m in chat duplicating chat message
[Version 2.5.6]
- Implemented my own dYamlConfiguration class for loading variables.yml, this is required as Bukkit's config class lacks Unicode support
- Use Bukkit's implementation of addColor, as it's faster than the RegEx I was using
[Version 2.5.5]
- Color the rest of the "should not exist" color spectrum
[Version 2.5.4]
- Added new &k color code
- Color codes now case insensitive
[Version 2.5.3]
- Updated iChatMeEvent for new event system
[Version 2.5.2]
- Updated for bPermissions 2.9.0 (Requires 2.8.0 or later)
[Version 2.5.1]
- Quick update to event handling for 1.1-R5 spec
[Version 2.5.0]
- Added world variables for further customization
- Updated event handling to 1.1-R3 spec
[Version 2.4.5]
- Fixed reload command not reloading config properly
[Version 2.4.4]
- Updated to new FileConfiguration class
- Fixed bypass exploit for colors in messages
- Multi-world support for variables.yml
- Resolved an issue with /me not reloading player variables
[Version 2.4.3]
- Permissions overhaul. No longer require group.{name} node unless not using a permissions handler
[Version 2.4.2]
- Fixed issue with inheritance in Permissions
- Implemented start of online time variable. Need output format.
[Version 2.4.1]
- Remove plugin-specific group referencing. All groups are now managed via group.* nodes,
the exception being pure Permissions 2.x/3.x
- Fixed /ichat reload not reloading variables.yml
- Updated /me to use BroadcastMessage
[Version 2.4.0-final]
- Took out variable caching, there's no hook for PermissionChange.
- Updated README to include info on group.* nodes
[Version 2.4.0-beta]
- Merged all branches into one
- Supports Perms 2.x/3.x, SuperPerms, GroupManager
- Added a more advanded API based on the mChat API
- Massive thanks to MiracleM4n for code and concepts
- All variables are now retrieved from variables.yml instead of Permissions
- Removed censor code
[Version 2.3.2-p3]
- Set Permissions as a dependency in plugin.yml
- Added Permissions 3 support to the -p3 jar
[Version 2.3.1]
- Added iChat.ichat.parseChat(Player, String, Format) API
- Added hook for /me chat formatting using the "me-format" config option
[Version 2.3.0]
- Added external iChat.ichat.parseChat(Player, String) API
[Version 2.2.3]
- Added +displayname/+d for player.getDisplayName()
[Version 2.2.2]
- Updated to latest RB
[Version 2.2.1]
- Updated how Permissions is loaded
[Version 2.2.0]
- Added the ability to have an unlimited amount of variables in message-format
- Changed versioning scheme
[Version 2.11]
- Now uses per-world permissions information
[Version 2.10]
- Allow admins to enable color on a permissions basis
[Version 2.09]
- Another small update to Permissions (Returned false when I should have returned true)
[Version 2.08]
- Pushes PacketCollisions PermVersion change. Fixes issues with 2.5.2
[Version 2.07]
- Added +time tag
[Version 2.06]
- Added +world tag
[Version 2.05]
- Ignore whether the plugin is GM, just treat everything as Permissions! Means you need FakePermissions.
[Version 2.04]
- Added the ability to use variables in the suffix and prefix (More customizeable messages)
[Version 2.03]
- Verify that all available variables aren't null before calling parse
- Fixed crash caused by color code at end of message (Basic fix, added a space)
[Version 2.02]
- Fix for possible NPE
[Version 2.01]
- There's a bug in Permissions 2.1 in getPermissionString, switched to getUserPermissionString
[Version 2.00]
- Initial re-write of Niji's plugin.
- Added Permissions 2.0/2.1, and GroupManager support.


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