

/strange <part>
Turns the item in your hand into a strange weapon. By default, the tracked stat will be player kills. Optionally, provide the name of a strange part to track that as the primary stat instead.
/newcrate [series] <quantity> <player>
Spawns a Steve Co. Supply Crate with the specified series. Optionally, specify a quantity (between 1 and 64). Optionally, specify a player to give the crate to. If you are running this command via console all arguments are required.
/newkey <quantity> <player>
Spawns a Steve Co. Supply Crate Key. Optionally, specify a quantity (between 1 and 64). Optionally, specify a player to give the key to. If you are running this command via console all arguments are required.
/newpart [part] <quantity> <player>
Spawns the specified strange part. Optionally, specify a quantity (between 1 and 64). Optionally, specify a player to give the part to. If you are running this command via console all arguments are required.
/newnametag <quantity> <player>
Spawns a name tag. Optionally, specify a quantity (between 1 and 64). Optionally, specify a player to give the tag to. If you are running this command via console all arguments are required.
/newdescriptiontag <quantity> <player>
Spawns a description tag. Optionally, specify a quantity (between 1 and 64). Optionally, specify a player to give the tag to. If you are running this command via console all arguments are required.
/tag [message]
Sets the string that will be applied with the next name or description tag.
/crates (alias: /crate)
newcrate - Creates a new crate series.
listcrates - Lists the crate series.
listcontents <series> - Lists the contents of a crate series.
add <series> <weight> - Add the item you are holding to the specified crate series with the specified weight.
remove <series> <id> - Remove the specified item from the specified crate series. (The id's are shown with /crates listcontents <series>)
setdrop <true/false> <series> - Set if the specified crate series should randomly drop in the crate drop system.
View the contents of the crate you are holding. This command is intended for general users as it formats the item names (instead of showing the raw data) and hides the drop weights.
/drops (alias: /drop)
list - Lists the items that may drop with the item drop system.
add <weight> - Add the item you are holding to the item drop system with the specified weight.
remove <id> - Remove the item with the specified id from the item drop system. (The id's are shown with /drops list)
/playtime [name]
See how long a player has played on the server. This command has the ability to cause high database load if is spammed, so it is not recommended to give regular users access to this. Also note that if the player is on the server currently, the playtime will only update once per minute.
Shows the available parts for strange parts
/spawnstrange [quality] <"name" <"description">> [id<:damage>] ["part..."] <player>
Spawns an item with the specified attributes. Quality is one of the specified qualities from /listqualities. An optional name for the item, in quotes. If you set a name for the item, an optional description for the item, in quotes. If you want a description without a name, specify an empty name "". An item id, optionally followed by a colon and a damage value. A list of strange parts in quotes. If the quality is not strange, this can be empty. Optionally, a player to give the item to. If you are running this command from the console the player argument is required.
/spawnstrange STRANGE "Bob's Sword" "Imbued with ancient power" 285 "PLAYER_KILLS DAMAGE" PlantAssassin - A weapon with the whole kit and caboodle.
/spawnstrange STRANGE 285 "PLAYER_KILLS"# - A plain strange weapon.
/spawnstrange STRANGE "" "Imbued with ancient power" 285 "PLAYER_KILLS"# - A strange weapon with a description, but no name. Note the empty name.
/spawnstrange MOJANG 285 "" - A Mojang weapon. Note the empty parts list at the end.
Show the available qualities for strange weapons
/setquality [quality]
This sets the quality of the strange weapon you are holding. Note that this command can give an item special status if it previously had none. To specify strange quality, the weapon must have at least one part attached.