Sticky Lapis

What does Sticky Lapis do?

Basically, it makes it so when a sticky pistons pushes alot of blocks, it will register these blocks so that when it retracts they will be pulled back aswell. Sadly, as of right now there is no way to do this in vanilla minecraft and so I decided to make it myself.

How does it work?

The sticky pistons will register the blocks it pushes, and if it's either a sticky piston or lapis block, they will make a sort of line that will be pulled back. If any block in the line is broken or replaced by another block, the line will be broken at that point and will not be pulled back from that point onwards.

What can you do with this?

You can create way more awesome contraptions, seeing you can make really long pushing queue's or moving objects.


I have yet to test any limitations. I am not sure how entities will function with the mod, I will update it as soon as I find out wether it works or not. The pistons are still regular pistons, and such will not pull back other pistons that are still active or push away too many blocks.

Version History

Version 0.1:

Mod released and tested on a multiplayer server, works as it should.

I will most likely release the source as a github release, depending on how many people would like to see this.


Very Sticky Pistons was the mod that inspired sort of inspired me. Sadly, the mod no longer worked, and all kinds of bugs happend trying to fix it.

Planned features

- Config file to set the sticky block (Default: Lapis Block)

See it in action!

Updated: Youtube link


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 8, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Mar 9, 2013
  • Total Downloads
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