
<center><font size=12 color=red>SQLWhitelist</font>
This lightweight plugin let you manage your whitelist over MySQL.
Lets just configure it with your MySQL data and it's automatically creates the table for itself,then you're ready to go!
Just fill the table with player names and enjoy.
You have questions?Read below!

How to install?
Just place the .JAR file in your "Plugins" directory and then launch the server.
The plugin create it's directory and it's config file in it.
Configure it with your MySQL data and then reload or restart the server.
If you configured it correctly the plugin connect to your database and create a table for itself.
If the plugin failed to create the table please read below.

Questions and Answers:
Q:It sounds fun,but what it is good for?
A:It's good because you can manage your whitelist over the internet,no need of FTP connections and with a very little knowledge of PHP you can write systems,or fork existings to work with this plugin.
Ex.: After your players registered on your website they can enter a username which is getting in this SQL table,and they can instantly come to play!

Q:Every time if i want to disable the plugin i have to delete the .JAR file or move it somewhere to dont let it launch up?
A:Of course there's an other way!You can disable the plugin in its configuration.Just set "settings->enabled" to "false" and the plugin wont launch up!

Q:There's option to custimize the kick message?
A:Yes,there is.In the configuration set the "settings->kickmessage" to what you want and have fun!

Q:The plugin says it's unable to create the table for itself and it pleases me to create it manually.How can i do this?
A:If the plugin fails while creating of the table,then you have to create it yourself in your MySQL database.
You can do it by using this code:
CREATE TABLE `your_table_name` ( name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE);
Please note,you have to change the "your_table_name" part without touching the `-s and the "name" in the bracket.
You can do it by fully manually.You have to create a table with name what you want,and 1 column in it called "name".
"name" is a VARCHAR,it's lenght is 50,it's NOT NULL and finally it's UNIQUE.

Have fun!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 8, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Dec 8, 2011
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