Commands & Permissions

We aim to make this plugin as simple and easy to set up as possible, so the commands and permissions are no different!

User Commands

Arguments with < > are required.
Arguments with [ ] are optional.

/sf join <arena name>Join a Snowfall arena.Snowfall.user
/sf leaveLeaves Snowfall arena player's in.Snowfall.user
/sf voteVote to start the game.Snowfall.user
/sf topShows the user the top 10 players of Snowfall, judged by score.Snowfall.user
/sf stats [player]Shows player's statistics.Snowfall.user
/sf spectate <arena name>Teleports the user to the spectator position.Snowfall.spectate

Admin Commands

Arguments with < > are required.
Arguments with [ ] are optional.

/sf start [arena name]Start a Snowfall match.Snowfall.start
/sf stop [arena name]Stop a Snowfall match. Does not work properly in the alpha version!!!Snowfall.admin
/sf reload <config|arenas|stats>Reload a file.Snowfall.admin
/sf setlobbyPlaces the lobby. This is where people will join games via sign wall, and return after a game.Snowfall.admin
/sf updatelobbyUpdates the lobby sign wall.Snowfall.admin
/sf arena create <arena name>Create a Snowfall arena.Snowfall.admin
/sf arena setup <arena name>Setup a Snowfall arena.Snowfall.admin
/sf arena rename "<old name>" "<new name>"Rename a Snowfall arena (requires the quotes, as arena names can contains spaces)Snowfall.admin
/sf arena options <arena name> [set <option> <value>]List or modify Snowfall arena options.Snowfall.admin
/sf arena enable <arena name>Enable a Snowfall arena.Snowfall.admin
/sf arena disable <arena name>Disable a Snowfall arena.Snowfall.admin
/sf arena delete <arena name>Delete a Snowfall arena.Snowfall.admin