Configuration File

This is how the config file looks. Please remove the text behind the "#"'s.

   check-for-update: true #Checks for a newer version of the plugin - Change true to false to disable
   saving: playername #Please Leave as it is
   cooldown: true #Turn cooldown on/off true/false
   cooldown-time: 10 #Time in seconds the cooldown should last
      self: true #Add delay to own shop
      others: false #Add delay to others shops
      time: 5 #Time in seconds the delay should last
messages: #Here goes the messages you can customize yourself!
  location-not-safe: "&4That location isn't safe! Please place it somewhere else."
  no-permission: "&4You are not allowed to use that command!"
  tped-to-your-shop: "&aTeleported to your shop!"
  delay: "&aPlease wait! You will be teleported in 2 seconds."
  cooldown: "&4You need to wait 13 seconds untill you can do that command again!"
  no-shop: "&4You don't have any shop yet!"
  no-tp: "&4Teleporting would damage you, so we stopped you!"
  tped: "&aTeleported to the shop!"
  doesnt-exsist: "&4That player doesn't have a shop!"
  shop-deleted: "&aYour shop has been deleted!"
  no-shop-deleted: "&4You don't have any shop to be deleted!"
#Here goes all the shop data


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