
Commands and Permissions

[All commands require their individual permission or shelfit.admin]

/ShelfIt or /si
Lists Shelf-It's commands
/si reload [shelfit.reload]
Reloads ShelfIt's configuration file from disk. This command can also be used from the console.
/si reloadBookshelfData [shelfit.reloaddata]
Replaces all bookshelves' contents with the contents of BookshelfData.yml.
/si makeStorable [shelfit.makestorable]
Toggles the ability to store the currently held item in bookshelves
/si setFree [shelfit.setfree]
While looking at a bookshelf, use this command to toggle the shelf's type between free and normal
/si setShop [price per book] [shelfit.shopowner]
While looking at a bookshelf, use this command to toggle the shelf's type between shop and normal
/si setSingle [shelfit.setsingle]
While looking at a bookshelf, use this command to toggle the shelf's type between single-book-display and normal
/si setTitle [title] [shelfit.settitle]
Sets the inventory title of the shelf you are looking at. If no title is specified, title is set to default
/si setRows [# of rows] [shelfit.setrows]
Sets the number of inventory rows in the shelf you are looking at. If no number is specified, rows are set to default
/si setLocked [true or false] [shelfit.setlocked]
Sets the locked state of the shelf you are looking at. The current state is toggled if true/false is not specified
/si excludeRegions [shelfit.excluderegions]
Adds all WorldGuard regions the player is currently in to the excluded region list in the config file
/si includeRegions [shelfit.includeregions]
Removes all WorldGuard regions the player is currently in from the excluded region list in the config file

Non-Command Permissions

Notifies player at login if a newer version of ShelfIt is available.