
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


NOTE: This plugin REQUIRES MySQL. It does not support MsSQL, SQLite, Flatfile or any other system. May be adjusted at a later date.

My Website (Latest downloads and Information): here!

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Please go here for the up-to-date latest downloads! Sectors Download Page

Sectors Information

Now, you are probably thinking to yourself, "Another plugin that does the same things! Why?!"... but I assure you, I'm bringing new style to the table. I've tried to make it similar to capture the flag, but with a bit more complexity. There are a few general things that I've found enjoyable about a factions plugin:

  • Mass player attraction for the server (I myself ran a customized server, by myself and a few friends and had a small player base of 50).
  • Action not based on crappy NPC coding, but other skilled players that actually think for themselves.
  • New aspect of game play, introducing the feel of stealth, keeping you on your toes in unknown environments, etc.
  • Revived the feel of Minecraft and keeps it interesting for endless hours of fun.
  • I could go on and on, but we all get it.

So I figured, what could make this even more fun and make it a bit more balanced and complex? Well, I'll give you a breakdown...

  • Add some sort of flag system, make players have to defend something to capture territory/land and make the flag valuable.
  • Keep the basic features of Factions, but add lots more functionality.
  • Make players able to either take land from players or simply attempt to gain access into their chests ( next update includes lock-picking chests ).
  • Many more features to come!

You have two choices to learn how to use Sectors from, a video (I made a while back... sorry if it's crappy) or the wall of text below!

Basic Commands (Also included for Agents)

  • /s admin - Allows you to administrate Sectors and adjust things.
  • /s map - Allows you to use a Minecraft Map to view chunks around you ( 5x5 chunk view, you're in the middle chunk ).
  • /s notify - Enables or disables notifications from Sectors.
  • /s defect <Name> - Create your own Sector with the provided name.
  • /s leave - Leave your current Sector assuming you're currently in one.

Sector Ranks

  • Agent - You're a member in the Sector and have basic access ( Chests ).
  • Captain - You're higher ranking than an Agent and are able to capture territory for the Sector and recruit new people.
  • Director - You own the Sector and can completely control it.

Sector Rank Command

  • /s rank <Username> <Rank> - Allows you to view or set the ranks of others.
  • If you don't use any parameters it will tell you the rank you have in your current Sector.
  • If you specify a username, it will tell you that persons rank in their Sector.
  • If you specify a username and a rank it will attempt to set their rank to that, assuming you able too.
  • This command can be ran from any rank, but it varies depending on what rank you are in your current Sector.

Sector Captain Commands

  • /s invite <Name> - Invite the specified player to your Sector.
  • /s cap - Enables or disables capturing mode ( explained further down ).

Sector Director Commands

  • /s tag <Tag> - Change the tag ( AKA Prefix ) of your Sector.
  • /s color <Color> - Change the color of your Sector ( Colors listed if you just type "/s color" without the quotes ).
  • /s info <Description - Change the description of your Sector for when people enter/leave your territory.
  • /s sd <Name> - Give the specified player director ( must be in your Sector ) and set your rank to Agent.
  • /s delete - Delete your Sector ( Warning: CANNOT BE UNDONE! ).
  • /s kick <Name> - Kick the specified player from your Sector.

Sector Admin Commands

  • /s admin claim - Claims the chunk you're currently standing in for the Server Sector.
  • /s admin reload - Reloads the Sectors configuration.
  • /s admin purge - Clears the database of all tables, removing all data and reloading afterwards. ( Warning: CANNOT BE UNDONE! )

Capturing Explanation

  • You capturing using Gold Blocks.
  • To capture a chunk, first enable Capturing mode ( See commands ).
  • After enabling Capturing mode, place the block down in the chunk you wish to claim.
  • You and your Sector can view the time left for the capture by right clicking the Gold Block. ( Displays the time remaining in seconds ).
  • If the block is broken before the time reaches 0, you will fail at capturing the chunk.
  • When you place a gold block you must own a chunk adjacent to it ( AKA: One RIGHT next to it ).
  • When placing the block in a chunk owned by another Sector, you must first neutralize it. This consumes the block and you must place another to capture.
  • When placing the block in a chunk owned by another Sector, if none of their members are online, you may/may not need to wait additional time!
  • Capture times are adjustable via the Config.yml ( See Config Explanation ).

Config Explanation

  • Username - The Username for the MySQL Database.
  • Password - The Password for the MySQL Database.
  • Hostname - The Hostname ( AKA IP Address ) to your MySQL Server.
  • Database - The Database you're going to use for Sectors.
  • Port - The Port MySQL will use to connect to the MySQL Server.
  • Table_Prefix - The Prefix that will be used for creating/reading from your MySQL Tables ( Enables multiple servers to run on the same Database ).
  • Server_Sector - The Server Sector Name used when players are not in any current Sector.
  • Server_Tag - The Tag the Server uses for it's display messages (default none appears).
  • Server_Info - The description for the entering territory owned by the Server.
  • Server_Color - The color the server uses for enter/exit messages on it's territory.
  • Cap_Time - The time it takes to capture chunks in seconds.
  • Cap_Time_Offline - The time it takes to capture chunks from enemy sectors when they have no current users online.
  • Diamond_Steal_Time - Unimplemented as of any build pre April 30th, 2012.
  • Diamond_Steal_Time_Offline - Unimplemented as of any build pre April 30th, 2012.


  • Sectors.*
  • ^ Provides access to ALL Sector child permissions ( Sectors.admin and Sectors.database.purge ).
  • Sectors.admin
  • ^ Provides specified user with administrative privileges over Sectors.
  • Sectors.database.purge
  • ^ Enables the ability to purge the database ( Separate permission for security purposes ).

Questions or Comments

  • You may contact me at my personal E-Mail: dev at ngclan dot net
  • My website you can find information at is: here!
  • I will do my best to answer to the comments below.
  • I will attempt to maintain this plugin to Recommended Builds ONLY.
  • I may decide to halt development at any given time, with or without notice. Though I will try my best to give early notice or assign someone else as head developer.
  • If you can contribute, E-Mail me and we can chat!
  • If you use this on your server, leave me a comment and I'll come check it out!
  • Find a bug, glitch, exploit, etc? Post them below with the full stack trace! I cannot help you if you do not give me enough information to help you! It helps you by providing as much detail as possible. Things such as: Other plugins you are running, what may have triggered the problem, how it can be duplicated, full error log ( server.log ), etc! It helps, a LOT.
  • If anything is forgotten tell me!


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