Claiming and Permissions

This page describes how to set up permissions to be allowed to claim.

swgt does usually not allow to claim overlapping regions, but only inside of other regions - for doing so it will raise the priority of a newly claimed regions above that fo the region it is inside of. This ensures that the new region can be safely sold and also will stay if the surrounding region is deleted (no parent relations are used). However it wil raise the flags and access properties over all other regions that contain the newly claimed region, so you might want to adjust the default-claim-flags such that claiming is safe (not yet included: default claiming permissions per world etc., could be a feature request).

Basic Claiming Commands

Make a Selection

Use either WorldEdit selections with the //wand and or //pos1 and //pos2, and the //expand, //contract commands etc. - or use the /rsel command to make a selection centered around you with a certain radius. rsel needs: swgt.selection

Check the Price and Validity

Use /icr , to check if you can claim at all and for how much. Needs: swgt.infocr

Claiming Command

If you claim the region using swgt with the /cr (claimregion) command, you should be aware that you are always set as owner of the region, even if you specify other names as additional owners. (To just have a region with certain flags you need to use /region define ... form WorldGaurd und then you can add or set flags with /addfags ... and /setflags ...)
On the chosen command may depend which permissions you need.

  • /cr
    simple anonymous claim. Needs
  • /cr <Regionname>
    Claim with a region name (you are exclusive owner). The region name must start with the first three letters of your name then "_", so for asofold it would have to be like "aso_castle", to use arbitrary names you need:
  • /cr <Regionname> <Addtionalowner1> ...
    With this you claim with additional owners right away. You are also owner. With swgt you can't remove other owners, owners can only remove themselves, so be careful when to use this, or if to give the permission to your users at all (using /swgt +own .... is more safe). Needs: swgt.claim.additional-owners

In addition to the naming permissions you also need permissions to allow where to claim (see below) and at which price.

Claiming Permission Setup

To really be allowed to claim oyou further need permissions that allow to claim for certain price or for free and then you need permissions for where you are allowed to claim.

Price Related Permisions

  • Area based price:
  • Volume based price:
  • For free:

Location Related Permissions (pass)

  • Claim inside of your own regions: swgt.claim.pass.inside.own
  • Claim on free ground, "wilderness": swgt.claim.pass.vanilla
  • Claim inside of a certain region: swgt.claim.pass.w.<WORLD>.r.<REGION>
    This has to be lowercase world and region names.
    Related: townclaim, expmem (for townlclaim), letclaim (might be pex only).

Extended Configuration

You can set up in the configuration if certain region or worlds or the defaults allow or deny things like claimining in general, claiming inside of ones own regions, use the area price, use the volume price, as well as giving container regions factors for pricing, for instance to make claiming inside of a town very expensive. Further you can set up the same kind of settings that only apply if the player has a certain permission, which can be useful to allow VIPs or Mods to claim for a better price .

[To be added.]


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