
How to configure RoboticStaff (Release v2.0)

General configuration

Here there are some stuffs that you can skip

### RoboticStaff configuration ###
config-version: '2.0' # Don't edit this!
update-checker: 'true' # Change to "false" if you don't want to check updates

You can set the update-checker to false to stop the plugin to search for updates, simply.

## General command ##

roboticstaff-prefix: "&6[RoboticStaff]&e "
roboticstaff-join: "This server use RoboticStaff!"

"roboticstaff-prefix" is the prefix that the plugin uses in many messages. You can change it to what you want :) "roboticstaff-join" is the message that the plugin send when anyone join the server. Set it to "" to disable.


Helpme is very simple to set up, just make a list of ask and answer and translate the other things if you want

## Helpme ##

helpme-enabled: true
helpme-help: "Need help? Type '/helpme [id]'!"
helpme-disabled-message: "&rUnknown command. Type \"/help\" for help." # The \ is used to escape quotes " (\"). It will print only the quote :)

  - "What is that plugin?"
  - "Can I translate the plugin?"
  - "What are the future features?"
  - "Why &2this &4is colored???"

  - "Is a simple plugin which will be able in the future to replace partly your staff"
  - "Yes, you can! ALL the messages is configurable in config.yml!"
  - "Check the TODO list of BukkitDev page for a list of the future feature!"
  - "Cause you can format also helpme now!!! &l&k111 &1W&2O&3A&4&5H&6 &l&k111"

helpme-error: "Error:"
helpme-error-1: "Invalid ask id!"
helpme-error-2: "Id must be a number!"
helpme-error-3: "Right use: '/helpme [id]'"

You can disable helpme and set a message that will be displayed when someone type /helpme, and you can replace the error messages. Since RoboticStaff 2.0 helpme supports colors!


This isn't very easy to use, cause there are a lot of things that you have to know to understand how this work

## AutoAnswer ##

autoanswer-enabled: true

  - "RoboticStaff"
  - "I, need, help"
  - "Can, I, become, an, admin %or% I, would, like, to, become, admin"
  - "Ban, me, please"
  - "Hi raynlegends %or% Hey raynlegends %or% Good morning raynlegends"
  - "How, can, I, configure, this, plugin"
  - "This message will be broadcasted and it's to show you that you can also not use commas!"
  - "My, password, is"
  - "Its the name of this plugin, %player%"
  - "Type /helpme!"
  - "Sorry, you cant"
  - "/kick %player%"
  - "@noprefix &4[Founder] &4Rayn&8Legends&r: Hi %player% :)"
  - "Visit the BukkitDev page! &4"
  - "@broadcast This message will be broadcasted and it's to show you that you can also not use commas!"
  - "Don't write your minecraft password! @delete"

With autoanswer-enabled you can toggle autoanswer, with autoanswer-tag you set the triggers and with autoanswer-tag-answer the answers.

Triggers are really simple to set-up: 'First words of first phrase, seconds words of first phrase, thirds words of first phrase %or% First words of second phrase, seconds words of second phrase, thirds words of second phrase'

Basically, the plugin will check if the messages contains the words (separated by a comma) in the correct order. If the first phrase doesn't match, it will try with the second phrase. You can set as phrases as you want for each line.

The answers are a bit more complex, but not too much. There are pratically four types of answers: - Messages: "Hey, it supports &4colors! Say HI %player%" - Messages with custom prefix: "@noprefix <RaynLegends> I'm watching you %player%" - Messages broadcasted: "@broadcast We aren't searching for staff!" - Commands: "/kick %player% so kicked, much griefing, many hacks, wow."

%player% will be replaced with the name of the player. @noprefix at the start of the answer will disable the prefix (roboticstaff-prefix). @broadcast at the start of the answer will broadcast the answer. "/" at the start of the answer will run a command. @delete in any part of the answer will delete the user message.


This is so easy to set up that I'll not tell you anything, except that antiswearing-beep will replace the word that you have blocked in antiswearing-words, and it supports colors :3

## AntiSwearing ##

antiswearing-enabled: true

  - "Fuck"
  - "Shit"
  - "Bitch"
antiswearing-beep: "&c[BIP]&r"


You can edit the message that will be sent to users and you can block commands in all the server or just in a world

## BlockedCommands ##

blockedcommands-enabled: true
blockedcommands-message: "&4This command is blocked in this world"

  - q
  - logout
  - plugins

    - pl
    - pl
    - pl

"blockedcommands-general" will block commands everywhere, "blockedcommands-perworld" only in the specified world. Note that the world-name are case-sensitive and some commands can't be blocked at all (like /buy of buycraft, cause it uses strange methods)


Now there is the antispam! Just two things to set up and then is ready!

## AntiSpam ##
  enabled: true
  message: "You have to wait %time% to send a message"
  delay-between-messages: 3

  enabled: true
  replace-with: "----"
  command-on-ipspam: "/kick %player% Dont spam ip!"

  enabled: true
  replace-with: "I spammed a website... :/"
  command-on-websitespam: "/kick %player% Dont spam website!"

To set up the AntiSpam delay you can change the value of delay-between-messages (in seconds) to what you want. NB: It must be an integer! Writing "2.5" or "jfijruew" will cause the plugin to use the emergency value (1 second).

Then you can change the replace-with values of antispam-ipspam and antispam-websitespam with custom strings and change the command that will be executed (leave it blank if you don't want to run any command). You're almost done :D


Probably you don't want OnAction, but if you wish to use it, it's really simple!

## OnActions ##

  enabled: true
    - "/gamemode 0 %player%"
  enabled: false
    - "/tell %player% You died."

  enabled: false
    - "/scoreboard players remove %player% MyScoreboard"
  enabled: false
    - "/scoreboard players remove %player% MyScoreboard"
  enabled: false
    - "/msg @console The player %player% has left the world!"
  enabled: false
    - "/eco give %player% 10"
  enabled: false
    - "/msg @console Hey! %player% has just changed his gamemode!!!"

Just enable the event you want and make a list of commands that will be executed when the event happens!


If you have problems, don't be afraid to a write a comment!