
A example configuration of config.yml

DailyLogin: // The daily login reward
  Enabled: true
  Delay: 1 // Delay in minutes
  Command: give %USER log 10 // Command executed when a user joins for the first time of the day
  Message: Have fun with your 10 log, %USER :D // Message shown to the user
Vote: // Config depending Votifier
  Enabled: true
  Points: 10 // How many points you want to give to a user after he voted
KillReward:  // Reward for killing entitys
  Enabled: true 
  Zombie: // Name of entity
    NeededKills: 5 // Kills until the user gets the reward
    Command: give %USER 2 5 // Commands executed when user killed enough entitys
MiningReward:  // Reward for mining blocks
  Enabled: true
  1: // ID of the block
    NeededBlocks: 32  // Mined blocks before user gets reward
    Command: give %USER 76 2,say %USER mined 32 stones // Commands executed when user mined enough blocks
  Enabled: true //Set this value to false if you don't want RewardMe to send stats to

Make sure to split the commands with a ","


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