
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



IMPORTANT: This plugin depends on lib24time!

This was inspired by SignClock and it also uses lib24time for time calculation.

Get the time

If you want to get the current time, simply send the command:



/rtime get

or use a SignClock. *g*

Set the time

To set the time use:

/rtime set hh:mm


/rtime hh:mm

where hh:mm has to be the time, example (1:35 pm):

/rtime set 13:35

Extend /time

Since 0.4 you can extend the normal "/time" command. To do that send the command "/rtime replace".

Extending means that RealTimeSet tries to replace it but if it get's unhandled input (for example: "/time set 13000") it passes it to the original /time command.

Since 0.5 it tries to give an input it can't understand to /time even when it's not replacing it.

Sun Adjustment

If you are using 0.7 (or later) you can use "/rtime adjust +/-X" to adjust the sun. Example: If you want this plugin and dynamp to be in sync with their times try "/rtime adjust +2". Note that the adjustment won't get saved!


  • Set the time with /rtime (set) hh:mm.
  • Uses lib24time, so the time calculation for SignClock and this one is the same. Perfect if you still use SignClocks but want to be able to set the time easily.
  • Can extend the default "/time" command on the fly.


realTimeSet.get = permission to get the time (/rtime or /rtime get, defaulting to all)

realTimeSet.set = permission to set the time and extending /time (/rtime set, /rtime replace, defaulting to ops)


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