
QuestX Commands

All commands are listed in the tables below, command is the command you must enter, Permission is the permission node required if your server uses a permissions system. When permissions are checked they go through the following procedure.

  • Check if Player is an Operator.
  • Check if Player has permission questx.*
  • Check if Player has command specific permission.

So, any Player who is an operator or has all QuestX permissions (questx.*) will be able to execute all commands.

The default command is /questx . Questx also accepts the alias /q .

Miscellaneous Permissions

questx.*Access all QuestX commands
questx.update.notifyNotfiy Players with this permission node if an update for QuestX is available when they login

Miscellaneous Commands

/questx helpNoneDisplays the help menu.
/questx help <pagetag>NoneDisplays a specific help menu.
/questx ?NoneDisplays the help menu.
/questx ? <pagetag>NoneDisplays a specific help menu.
/questx force-updatequestx.update.updateDownloads the latest version of QuestX and installs it if an update is available.

Quest Commands

/questx quest infoNoneDisplays information about your current quest, if applicable
/questx quest cancelNoneCancels your current quest, if you have one
/questx quest unpack <questname>questx.quests.setupExtracts the contents of the file to prepare it for setup
/questx quest setup <questname>questx.quests.setupBegin setting up a quest after it has been unpacked
/questx quest nextquestx.quests.setupSets the spawn point for an NPC fixed spawn in a Quest

NPC Commands

/questx npc listquestx.npcs.listDisplays the first page of currently spawned NPC's
/questx npc list <pagenumber>questx.npcs.listDisplays the specified page of currently spawned NPC's
/questx npc delete <name>questx.npcs.deleteDeletes the specified NPC permanently
/questx npc find <name>questx.npcs.findBriefly display a path of glowstone to guide the Player to the specified NPC
/questx npc tele <name>questx.npcs.teleTeleport directly to specified NPC

Task Commands

/questx task infoNoneDisplays information about your current task, if applicable

Custom/Preset Pathing Commands

To apply a preset path the NPC must have a fixed spawn location.

/questx path setup <npcname>questx.path.presetBegin setting a preset path
/questx path cancelquestx.path.presetCancel the current setting of the path
/questx path createquestx.path.presetApply the preset path to the NPC
/questx path deletequestx.path.presetRemove the preset path from an NPC
/questx path listquestx.path.presetList the NPCs with preset paths
/questx path list <page>questx.path.presetList the NPCs with preset paths on the specified page

Fixed Spawn Commands

/questx fixedspawns add <npcname>questx.fixedspawns.addAdds a fixed spawn for the specified NPC
/questx fixedspawns edit <npcname>questx.fixedspawns.editChanges the fixed spawn location for an existing fixed spawn for the specified NPC
/questx fixedspawns delete <npcname>questx.fixedspawns.deleteDeletes the fixed spawn for the specified NPC
/questx fixedspawns deleteallquestx.fixedspawns.deleteallDeletes the fixed spawns for all NPCs (Note, NPC's are NOT deleted)
/questx fixedspawns listquestx.fixedspawns.listDisplays the first page of fixed spawn locations
/questx fixedspawns list <pagenumber>questx.fixedspawns.listDisplays the specified page of fixed spawn locations

Reputation Commands

/questx rep viewNoneDisplays your reputation
/questx reputation viewNoneDisplays your reputation

Hotspot Commands

/questx hotspots add <name> <range> <maxspawns>questx.hotspots.addAdds a hotspot with the specified name, range and maximum spawns.
/questx hotspots edit <name> <range> <maxspawns>questx.hotspots.addChanges the range and max spawns of the specified hotspot
/questx hotspots delete <name>questx.hotspots.deleteDeletes the hotspot with the specified name
/questx hotspots listquestx.hotspots.listDisplays the first page of hotspots
/questx hotspots list <pagenumber>questx.hotspots.listDisplays the specified page of hotspots


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